Alliance of Sahel States: Burkina reaffirms its commitment | AIB

by time news

2023-11-25 00:33:32

Alliance of Sahel States: Burkina reaffirms its commitment

Bamako, (AIB)-The Prime Minister, Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla was received in audience, on Friday November 24, 2023, at the Koulouba presidential palace, in Bamako, by the President of the Malian Transition, Assimi Goïta. The security issue in the Sahel and development projects featured in the discussions.

Burkina is satisfied with the prowess of the Malian Armed Forces in their dynamic of reconquest of their national territory.

Present in Bamako as part of the 4th edition of the Mali International Crafts Fair (SIAMA), the Burkinabè Prime Minister, Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla went to say it in person to the President of the Malian Transition, Assimi Goita .

“I was carrying a message from the President, Ibrahim Traoré to his friend and brother Assimi Goïta. I came to congratulate the government and the people of Burkina Faso for the progress in the reconquest of Malian territory and especially for the capture of Kidal. And, also tell him that our commitment is total in the constitution and strengthening of the Alliance of Sahel States. It is no longer just our choice, it is the choice of the people. This is what people expect,” said Mr. Kyelem as he left the audience.

On this level, he said, he was reassured by the determination of President Goïta. And, this gives hope in view of the determination of the presidents of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré and Nigerien president, Abdourahamane Tiani.

According to him, there is a history of Africa that is currently being written. “And, we must not fail in this regard. Otherwise, we will be ashamed of ourselves later. We must ensure that those who come after envy those who are currently living because it is they who will have traced the paths and who will have written the true history of Africa,” insisted the Burkinabè Prime Minister.

The Malian Prime Minister, Choguel Maïga, for his part said that it is up to governments, to men of communication, to maintain our people so that they vibrate in the same tune as the leaders.

“President Goïta recalled that the center of gravity of our powers in place must be the people. We are at their service. We must remain at their service. Even when we are no longer here, the people will be there. So, let us fulfill our mission, the one that history and the people have entrusted to the two leaders and those who accompany them,” said Mr. Maïga.

“Because in terms of defense, we are moving forward,” he said. So, according to him, it is up to them on questions of economic and social development to achieve the same objectives and to make irreversible the process which has already reached the point of no return.

Burkina Information Agency (AIB)


Special envoy to Bamako, Republic of Mali.

#Alliance #Sahel #States #Burkina #reaffirms #commitment #AIB

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