Almeida says that the lawyer who denounces him for the ‘mask case’ is “directed” by the PSOE

by time news

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The mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeidahas accused the lawyer Fernando Pamos de la Hoz of being “directed” by the PSOE, who has filed a complaint against him for an alleged crime of omission of the duty to prosecute crimes for not reporting the alleged scam that the mask contract involved that the City Council signed with the businessmen Luis Medina and Alberto Luceño.

“I had never heard of this lawyer, I can say little about his legal wisdom. He has not acted on his own initiative, but directed, and it is already known who he has ties with,” Almeida said this Sunday, who has influenced the “coincidence that this lawyer has represented the PSOE in various lawsuits”. “It seems difficult that he acted without the consent of the PSOE,” he added.

In the complaint, the lawyer has assured that, “in his double capacity as official and authority”, Almeida had the “inexcusable obligation” to denounce the facts that the police investigated. Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and that led her to sue both businessmen, who allegedly charged millionaire commissions from the aforementioned contract.

“If the Prosecutor’s Office had not presented the complaint now admitted for processing, the facts now investigated would never have been brought to light, and impunity for such serious crimes, admitted and consented to by the Consistory by not denouncing the facts, would have been achieved” , argues the lawyer.

For his part, Almeida lamented that “this hunt is not going to end because they have decided that the only way to reach the Government of the city of Madrid is to end the people who represent it.”

In addition, he has asked the PSOE and Más Madrid if they consider that Monica Oltra“accused of covering up sexual abuse”, and There’s Colau“imputed by a plot of contracts”, must resign.

“If I have to resign without any indication, without having been called to testify… if they consider that Mónica Oltra has to resign accused of covering up sexual abuse, or if Colau should do so, accused of plotting contracts. When they answer me, at they better have the legitimacy to say something to my face”, he concluded.

Pamos de la Hoz raises in the complaint, advanced by El Periódico de España, a series of questions, such as why the City Council did not file a complaint if the investigation of the case states “that they were aware of the abusive surcharges” imposed by the businessmen, nor when he learned that these investigative procedures existed.

“Who would have compensated the treasury for what was swindled if the Prosecutor’s Office had not concluded the proceedings with a complaint,” questions the lawyer, who reproaches Almeida for his recent criticism, “unbecoming of a State attorney”, of the Prosecutor’s Office for, precisely Check out those contracts.

The complainant also censors “the absolute lack of control of public money”, paid “obscenely” and without contrasting the market price, which “would have made them aware of the book scam”.

And he qualifies as “embarrassing” Almeida’s speech that “the swindled was the City Council, when” the money belongs to the citizens and that if it had been for the same nobody would have investigated or persecuted these facts.

For all these reasons, he requests that Almeida be summoned as investigated so that he can testify about these facts.

The Investigating Court number 47 of the capital admitted for processing last week the complaint of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor against the two businessmen, to whom it charges crimes of aggravated fraud, false commercial document and money laundering in relation to a contract of sale of medical supplies to the Madrid City Council.

According to the letter of the Anticorruption Prosecutor, Luceño and Medina pocketed commissions amounting to more than six million dollars for contracts for masks, tests and gloves for which the City Council paid 11.9 million euros. With that money they bought several high-end cars, a house in Pozuelo de Alarcón or a yacht.

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