Almost 35% of the job offer in Spain looks for people with a vocational training degree

by time news

2023-09-09 08:38:57



Updated Saturday, September 9, 2023 – 08:38

The Community of Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country concentrate the distribution of the offer

A person uses a sanding machineEuropa Press

He 34,75% of jobs in Spain, 1 in every 3 offers require a person who has a Professional Training. A training cycle that is gaining more and more strength and that in 2023 will exceed the million enrolled compared to 800,000 in 2018, according to the new installment of the XXVI edition of the Adecco Infoemployment Report: Employment Supply and Demand in Spain.

During the first two years of the pandemic, Vocational Training remained the training level most required by companies in Spain, ahead of university degrees, the report explains. A trend that did not continue in 2022 and has slightly decreased its presence in job offers by two percentage points, compared to previous years.

From Adecco they affirm that this “slight decrease” is due to the economic, social and political factors that the country has gone through since the beginning of 2022. “There is a setback but it is relative and responds to the difference in the growth of the different sectors.” “which during this last year have had many difficulties derived from the shortage of supplies, the increase in prices and energy and the situation of instability created by the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine. This is the case, for example, of the Industrial sector.” , explains Adecco Regional Director, Victor Tatay.

It is also worth noting that although the data show an increase in the number of vocational training enrollments, the enrollment rate in these training cycles in Spain is 12%much lower than that of the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which is 29% and the European Union 25%, according to INE data. According to Tatay, this may be due to the prejudice that still exists around these formations and the lack of promotion of them.

In this sense, the regional director of Adecco explains that the new Vocational Training Law, approved in 2022, will help change this image, in addition to meeting the objective of “turning FP into a lever for economic and social transformation” and thus, reducing the youth unemployment rate and increasing the workforce in the country.

Although 56.09% of the job offers analyzed do not specify the specific professional family that is needed, the report highlights the areas that have the most job offers, starting with Administration and Management with 10.89%; – it is the branch of employment that has grown the most this year with +0.63 percentage points-, Electricity and Electronics -8.23%-, Mechanical Manufacturing -4.19%- and IT and Telecommunications -3.68%-.

In all four cases, these training cycles last approximately 2,000 hours divided into two academic cycles. A quick job exit for those who want to enter the labor market as soon as possible.


The territorial distribution of job offers that require this qualification is concentrated in the Madrid’s community (23,98%), Catalonia (22.95%) and the Basque Country (11.16%). “The distribution of job offers in Spain is identical to the offers in the country,” says Tatay. “That is, the percentage of companies in certain markets is notably higher than in Extremadura for example, to give an exaggerated example. The Basque Country is the area of ​​Spain where the industrial sector has more weight and vocational training is very aimed at the industrial sector, which is why it ranks third,” he explains.

In fifth place, the Valencian Community continues (7.52%) and is followed by Castilla y León, with 6.12% of the FP offer.

At the bottom of the list are those communities and autonomous cities that do not reach 0.70% of the offers of this training: Extremadura (0.67%; -0.2 pp), Asturias (0.56%; – 0.26 pp), and Ceuta and Melilla (0.12% and 0.09% respectively, which remain practically the same).

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