Almost 60% of Spaniards believe that the amnesty deteriorates democracy and the Constitution

by time news

2023-11-29 22:37:19

The 15th legislature has begun and is marked by the processing of the amnesty bill, a measure that has provoked contradictory reactions among the different parties and also in society.

The latest Sigma Dos survey for Antena 3 Noticias indicates that 59.7% believe that the amnesty law deteriorates the current democratic and constitutional system and a large majority, 3 out of every 4 Spaniards, 73.9%, oppose it. that the amnesty law includes corruption cases related to 1-O. In this specific question, among SUMAR voters, 27.1% are in favor of including them and a little less, 20.1% of socialist voters.

Sigma Two | Antena 3 News

To the question of “do you think that the amnesty for those prosecuted for the ‘procés’ will contribute to improving or resolving coexistence in Catalonia?” the majority, more than 58%, think no.

Will the amnesty solve the problems of coexistence? | Antena 3 News

An ideological cut can be seen, where the formations of the so-called bloc on the right believe in a majority that they will not contribute, and on the left, where a majority of the previous PSOE voter and a large majority of the previous SUMAR voter believe that they will.

Furthermore, for 66.7% of those surveyed, the forgiveness of 20% of Catalonia’s debt with the State is a favored treatment compared to 24.9% who do not see it as a privilege.

Sigma Two for Antena 3 News | Antena 3 News

On the other hand, 53% of those surveyed believe that Pedro Sánchez’s investiture agreements will not allow the four years that the Executive has ahead to be exhausted, while 36.1% believe that they will be exhausted and do not contemplate early elections.

Sigma Two | Antena 3 News

This perception became known shortly after the King gave his speech at the opening ceremony of the Cortes. The monarch stressed the strength and importance of the Magna Carta as a guarantee of “unity” in a “diverse” Spain. In addition, he reminded all deputies of their obligation to respect the Constitution.


This Sigma Dos survey was carried out between November 17 and 27 when the new Government of Pedro Sánchez had already been formed. For this purpose, a mixed telephone/online interview methodology was used.

The telephone interviews took into account, through random household selection, sex and age quotas in the selection of the last unit. In the case of the ‘online’ interview, proportional allocation by sex and age group has been applied. The distribution of the sample has been proportional by autonomous community in both samples.

In total 1,654 interviews were carried out. The absolute sampling error can be limited by ±2.5% for a confidence level of 95.5%, and in the case of variables with two equally distributed categories

#Spaniards #amnesty #deteriorates #democracy #Constitution

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