Almost four out of every 10 women claim to have suffered some type of violence in the last year

by time news

2023-11-25 04:50:00

Today, November 25th is the International Day to Fight Violence against Women. And this global date could not give a worse setting to a new survey that leaves Argentine society in a very bad place: according to a work that inquired In the social perception of gender equality and violence, Argentina occupies the sad first place in the ranking of the 35 countries in which this consultation was carried out. To the question “Have you suffered any type of violence (whether physical or psychological) in the last year?” No less than 37% of the women surveyed answered affirmatively.

The other two countries that complete the least desired podium are Mexico and Kenya with 35 out of every 100 women asked giving affirmative answers. And then on the list is Greece, with 31%, and Brazil with 29% of confirmations.

In the world, 17% of women reported having suffered some type of physical or psychological violence.

The social study, which was carried out by the consultants Voices! y WIN International, based on 28,702 individuals from 39 different countries. In Argentina, nearly 1,000 women were consulted. And in the investigation they jumped other comparative data and negative for Argentine society. At a global level, the responses on this topic are significantly minors than the situation that occurs in our country. Specifically, the global average indicates that the 17% of women reported having suffered some type of violence physical or psychological. This percentage remains relatively stable compared to the same sample taken in previous years. For example, in 2021 it was 16% and in 2020 it was 17%.

On the other hand, the data obtained in the Argentine investigation exceed by almost 20 points to that global “average”, and the results of the current measurement are similar to those of previous studies which implies that, although the years and campaigns pass, the situation does not improve. Thus, in 2022 it was 37%, the same as in 2021. And in 2020, the year of the pandemic, the reported figure for violence was 36%. However, it is possible to think that the situation is getting worse in the medium term. This is so since in the years 2017 and 2018, in this same study, the percentage of women who claimed to have experienced attacks was lower, and was around 30%. Constanza Cilley, the head of the consultancy Voices!confirmed that “for years the violence figures have been very alarming. Unfortunately, Argentina continues to stand out for being the country with the highest percentage of women who declare having suffered violence, and we don’t see improvements in that sense”.

Young people attacked

What also does not vary much over the years and in all geographies of the planet is the age subgroup that suffers the most from this type of situation: they are young women – from 18 to 24 years old – those who declare to be subjects of the highest incidence of episodes of physical and psychological violence, with 23% of positive responses.

As occurs in the world, violence affects younger Argentine women more significantly. Thus, in the last year, 57% of women between 18 and 24 years old affirmatively stated that they had suffered these types of episodes. The second most affected age group was women between 25 and 34 years old, with 47% of positive responses. The trend continues to decrease, with 29% of reports of attacks between those between 50 and 64 years old. And in the group of women over 65 years of age the figure is reduced but does not disappear and still 16% of those consulted report having suffered episodes of violence.

This research work is not the only one that accounts for gender violence in our country. The Domestic Violence Office of the Supreme Court of the Nation follows this issue in the city of Buenos Aires and has just published its situation report corresponding to the second quarter of 2023. This work shows that they received 2,437 complaints (It is equivalent to an average of 27 complaints each day). And the quarterly accumulated was 1% higher than the amount received in that same period, but a year ago (in 2022); which shows an increase in these situations.

Of all the cases noted, 53% were made due to complaints from adult women, 20% were girls and adolescent women, and 5% were women over 60 years of age. Only 10% were complaints made by adult males. In practically all cases (97%) the reported violence was psychological. And in 46% there were complaints of physical violence. In 44% of the cases the complaint was related to ties with a partner or ex-partners.

X-ray of the problem

The reason for the reminder

He December 17, 1999 The United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the International Day to Combat Violence against Women. The objective of this decision is to raise awareness, denounce and demand more public policies in order to eradicate the violence of which women are victims around the world. This date commemorates the murder of the Mirabal sisters that occurred in 1960 in the Dominican Republic.

He reason It is clear: according to the UN, violence against women and girls continues to be one of the most widespread and widespread human rights violations. The specialized agencies of the United Nations assess that, around the world, 736 million women – almost one in three – have been victims of physical or sexual violence by their partner, sexual violence outside the couple, or both. , at least once in their life (in a universe of women aged 15 or more it is almost 30%).

In 2022, in Caba there were 10,526 women victims of domestic violence

The figure is shocking: 10,526 women, girls and adolescents reported having been victims of domestic violence in 2022 in the city of Buenos Aires, 51 percent of them physical violence, mostly carried out by men, according to what was verified by the interdisciplinary teams of the Domestic Violence Office (OVD) of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

51% reported episodes of physical violence and the rest were due to episodes of violence psychological and economic. Of the complainants who agreed to be reviewed by the OVD medical team, 3,884 injuries were found in 1,428 women, girls and adolescents, which gives an average of about four victims per day at the hands of men, 13 of them girls and 125 adolescents and young people between 15 and 21 years old. Two of the women suffered amputations; There were 135 strangulation situations (including two teenagers at the hands of their respective boyfriends), 36 victims had; 18 had burns and 511 had facial injuries. Regarding the relationship with those reported, 43% of the women lived with them and in 15% the presence of knives or firearms in the reported situation of violence was reported. It was also established that 6 out of 10 female injury victims did not have health coverage.

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