Alon Musk’s news to the driver that his Tesla was damaged in Tel Aviv

by time news

Oak Musk is known for the use he makes of Twitter as a means of conveying messages. The person who received a response from him yesterday is the owner of a Tesla car that was vandalized by criminals in Tel Aviv and asked Musk to activate the SENTRY situation in Israel. In response, Musk said that the issue was under investigation.

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Today, Israel is one of the few countries in the world that does not allow the operation of one of the most important features of Tesla cars: Sentry mode. Sentry mode is a mode that allows parked Tesla cars to record what is happening around them using vehicle cameras. In Israel, the use of this situation is prohibited, in part due to objections from the Ministry of Transportation on the subject.

In practice, activating Sentry mode is a very simple procedure that does not take long. Moreover, the use of this situation also makes it easier for insurance companies to analyze accidents with parked vehicles and locate guilty drivers, but as mentioned – not in Israel. In the past, this mode was enabled for a short period of time due to a “trick” performed in the vehicle software, but this option was soon blocked.

According to Elad Jerby, director of the Tesla Club IL community for Tesla car owners in Israel: “I am shocked by this case – this is not the only case that has occurred in the country and there have been other cases of vandalism for Tesla vehicles. I hope Musk will address the issue Sentry Mode in Israel.

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