Alone Not With Myself by Isabel Mesa and Magda Alfaro will give us an overview of the implications of being single

by time news

On March 4, it will be performed at the Centro San Miguel (Alcalá de Guadaira, province of Seville), Alone Not With Myselfby the hand of Elizabeth Mesa y Magda Alfaro. Work that will help us to fully enter March, the month in which International Women’s Day is included.

Of the condition of being single or not Everything had been told; especially if we live in a context in which the traditional models of relating are in crisis, among other things, because those who define themselves as “alternatives” are still in a process of development and establishment. Without forgetting that the latter are born from the vocation that each individual who takes advantage of his practices does so according to his own needs, not so much from a sort of “social / cultural / religious imperative”.

Apart from the fact that there are things that are worth preserving or reconsidering, the fact is that these new models of relating to others, and consequently, to ourselves, must be seen as very valuable opportunities to understand that each one is responsible of what he does with his life and what kind of treatment he directs to his peers. In all this would be included being single as a voluntary and legitimate decision, polyamory, relational anarchy, etc… Where I want to get to is that We live in a very confusing and complex time to inhabit given its uncertainty, but at the same time very stimulating to think about it.

In this line, this text and the interpretation of Elizabeth Mesa under the direction of Magda Alfaro, they will provide us with a vision, which, more than giving us concrete solutions, will encourage reflection while we laugh at ourselves. Even with everything, this should not take away the focus of this work of social theater that will give rise to a forum, to address the value of making visible the contradictions in which women from different groups live. Without more to add, I give you a preview of the work:

In a society where it seems that it is better seen to be in bad company than alone…

The protagonist will take us into the mysterious world of being single and all the hidden enigmas that this marital status contains, which have a decisive influence on the way of surviving in society. A day in the life of a single woman, seeing everyday situations, in the family, with friends, in a disco, on the street, repeated conversations and endless anecdotes that you won’t know if they will make you laugh or cry.

Social comedy that starts from a lived experience, from which the different situations experienced by a woman who simply chooses to be alone are made visible.

You will enter the world of a single woman and everything that surrounds her, not only seeing it but also living it through group dynamics and participatory theater.

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