Alprazolam, side effects of this medication for anxiety

by time news

The alprazolam It is a medication prescribed to treat anxiety symptoms that are severe, disabling, or cause great distress to the patient. Its use is recommended only for the short term.

This active principle belongs to the so-called benzodiazepines (anxiolytic drugs), that is, they produce a depressant effect on the nervous system, aimed at reducing or eliminating anxiety symptoms.

Alprazolam should only be used under medical prescription and in no case should it be administered without the knowledge of the physician. In addition, it should not be consumed if you are allergic, if you have breathing difficulties (for example, sleep apnea), if you suffer from myasthenia gravis or liver disorders.

After the doctor has prescribed the drug, during treatment you have to pay attention to the side effects that they can suffer. Prospects pick up some of them, based on their probability, but others may occur.

In the event that any adverse effect is manifested, we must consult with our doctor or pharmacist. In addition, the Spanish Medicines Agency has an online form available to patients to report any suspected adverse drug reaction.

Still, the package inserts themselves note that side effects occur predominantly early in treatment and they tend to disappear after continued administration or with dose reduction.

Los most common side effects are the following:

Affect more than 1 in 10 people

very frequent

Depression, sedation, drowsiness, coordination disorder (ataxia), memory disturbance, difficulty articulating words (dysarthria), dizziness, headache, constipation, dry mouth, fatigue and irritability.

Affect up to 1 in 10 people


Feeling of confusion, disorientation, altered sexual desire (libido), anxiety, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), nervousness, abnormal coordination, impaired balance, difficulty concentrating, excessive sleepiness (hypersomnia), deep and prolonged sleepiness (lethargy ), tremor, nausea, decreased appetite, blurred vision, dermatitis, sexual dysfunction, and weight changes.

Affect up to 1 in 100 people


Mental and behavioral disorders (mania), hallucinations, anger reactions, agitation, dependency, memory loss (amnesia), loss of muscle strength, inability to hold urine in the bladder (urinary incontinence), irregular menstruation and symptoms of withdrawal

Cannot be estimated from known data

unknown frequency

Increased levels of prolactin in the blood (hormone responsible for stimulating and maintaining lactation after childbirth), mental and behavioral disorders (hypomania), aggressiveness, hostility, abnormal thinking, psychomotor hyperactivity, drug abuse, nervous system imbalance autonomic disorder, involuntary muscle contractions (dystonia), gastrointestinal disorders, hepatitis, impaired liver function, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), peripheral oedema, angioedema (swelling under the surface of the skin ), photosensitivity (exaggerated response to light), retention of urine in the bladder, and elevated intraocular pressure.

Effects that may appear with the use of benzodiazepines

Drowsiness, lack of reaction to emotional stimuli (emotional blunting), reduced alertness, confusion, fatigue, headache, dizziness, muscle weakness, ataxia, or double vision.

The use of benzodiazepines can unmask an already existing depression.

The administration of the product (even at usual doses) can lead to the development of physical dependence. Interruption of treatment may lead to the development of withdrawal or rebound phenomena. Psychic dependence may occur.

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