Already a political crisis? A member of Otzma Yehudit will boycott the votes in the Knesset

by time news

First frictions in the coalition: Just a few days ago, the government was established after two months of intense negotiations, but is the first crisis already at hand? According to journalist Dafna Lial, the answer is, yes. According to reports, member of the Knesset and member of the Otzma Yehudit party, Almog Cohen is expected to be absent tomorrow from the votes in the plenum. The reason for the expected absence of the MK is the 3 percent reduction in the tax benefit of the Mitar and Dimona settlements.

Netanyahu, will solve the problem? | Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

He was supposed to be appointed deputy minister, the law does not allow this

Member of Knesset Cohen, as I recall, was supposed to be appointed Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with powers regarding the southern region and the city of Be’er Sheva. But the government found out after the legal advice was notified that this is not possible because it goes against the basic law – the government. Cohen is one of several members of the Knesset who were promised the position of Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, but the law allows only two Deputy Ministers in the Ministry.

May Golan

May Golan, boycott the votes? | Photo: Yonatan Sindel/flash90

At the moment, those chosen to serve as deputy ministers are Deputy Minister Avi Maoz from the Noam party, who of course received responsibility for several areas, including the Ministry of Education’s foreign studies, and Deputy Minister Uri Makleb from Torah Judaism. It is possible that the sanctions that Cohen is taking also come as a result of his not being appointed to the position after he was promised.

Cohen is not alone, May Golan may boycott the votes

The one who is still not satisfied with the breach of the promise to be a deputy minister in the prime minister’s office, is Knesset member May Golan. According to a report in the corporation, Golan was offered to chair a committee in the Knesset, but it is possible that she, like Cohen, will boycott the votes in the Knesset, which could embarrass the incoming coalition. Now, in order to solve the political floundering, Netanyahu will have to either change the basic law, which as I recall has already been changed to allow Derai to serve as minister, or find a solution for the two members of the Knesset that they will agree on.

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