Althéa Laurin Makes History as France’s First Olympic Taekwondo Champion, Securing 16th Gold Medal

by time news

⁢ Published on 11/08/2024 14:18

⁤ Video​ duration: 2 min

<img class="francetv-player-wrapper__image" alt="Althéa Laurin, Olympic champion in taekwondo‌ in +67 kg. The Frenchwoman won gold on ⁢Saturday, August 10, and gives ⁣France its 16th gold medal.” width=”432″ height=”243″ sizes=”100vw” src=”×915/432×243/2024/08/11/althea-laurin-decroche-le-titre-au-taekwondo-la-16eme-medaille-d-or-francaise-66b8ab5768c39946311748.jpg” fetchpriority=”high”/>

⁢ Althea Laurin wins the title in ‍taekwondo, France’s ​16th gold medal
⁢ ‍ ⁣
Althéa Laurin, Olympic champion in⁢ taekwondo in +67 kg.​ The Frenchwoman won gold on⁣ Saturday, August 10, and gives France its 16th gold medal.
(France 2)

Althéa Laurin, Olympic champion in taekwondo in +67​ kg. The Frenchwoman won gold on Saturday, August 10, and gives France its 16th gold medal.

For one evening, Althéa Laurin made the Grand Palais her own. The‍ Frenchwoman became, on Saturday, August 10, the⁤ Olympic champion in​ taekwondo, the first⁤ Frenchwoman in history to achieve this in the discipline. This caused pride for her sister and happiness for her⁤ family. “We’re super happy for her, she never gives ‍up,” declares her uncle Jean-Luc Laurin.

Just before her final, Althéa Laurin appeared focused and calm. Under the⁢ nave, she landed the first blows, hitting ⁤her opponent in the⁢ head. A few seconds before the ⁣end of the⁢ match, the audience was already beginning to ⁣celebrate the Frenchwoman’s victory. “I am very ⁢happy,‍ taekwondo​ has‍ given me‍ a lot in ⁢life,” states the Olympic champion.
With her victory, Althéa Laurin will surely ​inspire future generations. That’s the power of sports, the‌ other victory ⁢of champions.

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