Aluminum recycling in Europe can reduce annual CO2 emissions by 46% in 2050

by time news

2023-12-22 11:26:38

The Spanish Aluminum Association (AEA), which represents more than 600 companies in the sector, presented the report at its last General Assembly Aluminum, an enabling element for Spain’s circular transitiondirected by Josep María Tost i Borras, expert in Circular Economy and public policies.

The document highlights the opportunities that aluminum represents to move from a linear to a circular economy and places this material as an undisputed key alternative in the sustainable future of very relevant sectors for our country such as automotive, food, aeronautics or construction, among many others.

During the presentation of the report, Tost i Borrasha assured that “the future will be circular or it will not be” and recalled that “the Circular Economy is an alternative model that seeks to keep resources in use for as long as possible through reuse, repair, recycling and regeneration”. And this mantra of circularity is born from the imperative need to recover as much as possible the millions of tons of resources that are lost, thrown away, buried and burned under the title of “garbage,” he has expressed. In fact, according to 2019 data, each European generates half a ton of waste per year, which represents a total of 2.5 billion tons of all types of waste generated annually in the European Union.

Therefore, recovering material allows us to save on raw materials and deepen the autonomy and independence of both Europe and Spain, reducing imports and strengthening its industrial muscle. Added to this is also the potential savings of up to 630,000 million in materials and the creation of up to 100,000 jobs in Europe by 2030. Following this same example, but at the national level, the report highlights data from the Agency Catalan Waste Commission that indicates that for every 10,000 tons recovered of materials can be reached generate up to 250 jobs and savings of up to two million euros in raw materials. Along with this, it also helps mitigate global warming with a simple formula: the greater the recovery, the lower the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

For its part, Gonzalo de Olabarria, Secretary General of the AEA, states that “to move towards a real Circular Economy, an adequate regulatory framework is required that enhances investment, innovation and education, as well as public-private dialogue between all the actors involved. In this sense, the author of the report adds that “the forecasts show that with the appropriate regulatory framework, half of European aluminum demand could be supplied with recovered aluminum by mid-century”. And he continues to ensure that “by replacing imports of primary aluminum from outside Europe (very carbon intensive) with recycled domestic aluminum, Aluminum recycling could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 39 million tons per year by 2050. This, compared to today, corresponds to 46% less annual CO2 in 2050”.

Aluminum is a pioneer of the Circular Economy. It is a completely recyclable metal and therefore maintains its original properties no matter how many times it is processed. In addition, aluminum recycling allows us to reduce energy consumption by 95% compared to the production of primary aluminum, reducing the carbon footprint of both the aluminum industry itself and key sectors such as packaging, mobility or construction. .

Construction in the spotlight: essential sector for change

In a very specific way, since 2015 the European Union has established the construction sector as one of its strategic objectives. Specifically, the European Green Deal foresees a wave of renewal in the construction sector as a key action. The current renovation rates for public and private buildings must at least double.

To this end, the Report “Aluminum, an enabling element for Spain’s circular transition” presents a decalogue to further integrate the use of materials such as aluminum in construction:

Mandatory certification of buildings in sustainability (CRADLE TO CRADLE, BREEAM, LEED, GREEN) Effectively include green public purchasing mechanisms. Use criteria that promote sustainability for civil works. Update technical and design guides, construction codes and manuals and all relevant documents. Analyze the complete life cycle of construction materials. Promote dialogue between the main actors in the sector. Collaboration with the construction sector. Encourage its dissemination based on success stories and practical examples. Development of training actions (seminars, workshops, conferences and training, education, awareness and dissemination days) on the benefits of these materials and the changes introduced in the legal instruments. Implement specific awareness campaigns for citizens.

Fundamental Raw Materials Regulation

The AEA General Assembly and the presentation of this report have coincided with the recent approval by the European institutions of the agreement on the proposed Regulation establishing a framework to guarantee the safe and sustainable supply of fundamental raw materials, better known as the Fundamental Raw Materials Regulation.

As a novelty, the document has added aluminum to the list of strategic raw materials. The benchmark for recycling has also been raised to at least 25% of the European Union’s annual raw materials consumption and highlights the need for a significant increase in the recovery of raw materials present in waste, which will help strengthen national industries by reducing dependence on third countries.

The AEA has welcomed the news with open arms and applauds the decision to consider aluminum as a fundamental strategic raw material. “This only supports what we have been defending for years and what is evident in the report we are presenting. Aluminum is, without a doubt, at the forefront of circularity due to its qualities and possibilities in every sense and we cannot conceive of a truly circular transition of our economy without this metal being taken into account as it truly deserves,” concludes de Olabarria.

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