Alzheimer Zuid-Kennemerland celebrates 25th anniversary and says goodbye to board member | Haarlem Weekly

by time news

HAARLEM Alzheimer Zuid-Kennemerland exists 25 years and that will be celebrated on Friday 3 June between 2 and 4 pm with a festive gathering in Trefpunt ‘t Trionk (van Oosten de Bruijnstraat 60), where the Alzheimer Café is also held. Board member Leny Haaring will also be said goodbye during the meeting.

Alzheimer Zuid-Kennemerland is committed to people with dementia, their carers and loved ones. They organize various activities, point the way to help and defend the interests of people with a faltering brain, their loved ones and carers. This year the South Kennemerland department will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with a simple but festive gathering on Friday 3 June. There is a snack and drink ready for everyone and there is music.

Leny Haaring, board member of the department and initiator and organizer of the Alzheimer Café in Haarlem, will also be put in the spotlight during the meeting. Haaring stopped her board work last year after almost 20 years, but this could not be celebrated in a big way due to the corona measures. All relations of Alzheimer Zuid-Kennemerland and Leny Haaring are therefore now invited to celebrate these milestones with the board and Leny on Friday 3 June.

You can register for the meeting via [email protected].

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