Amadeus and Fiorello from Fazio to «Che tempo che fa» –

by time news

by Renato Franco, sent to Sanremo

The guest should be read as a relaxing signal, but more so than on the part of Rai, on the part of the host, too smart not to know that the viewers of Nove are also important for the Festival

Fabio Fazio connected with Sanremo where Amadeus and Fiorello are connected with San Siro: a bit Festival, a bit Inter-Juventus, in a short circuit also of networks (understood as television channels) because the Nove returns for a moment to being Rai . Fiorello immediately jokes: «The Rai top management told me not to exaggerate, I’ll just say one thing: the fact that you invited us means that you are still a Rai man, but paid by others, and Rai likes this a lot». Then he tries to pretend not to be caught up in the match: «Come on, we’re on the Nine, we can’t watch the match on Dazn: think how many releases Rai had to give us».

The pre-Festival staged at Che tempo che fa is a sign of the climate that awaits us with the usual alchemy between Amadeus and Fiorello who assures: «This is the last Festival, then we will open an Onlyfans profile as a couple, also for compared to the public who can’t stand him anymore.” Everything and the opposite of everything however, because a few seconds later Amadeus is “open-minded”: “We’ll see, in the meantime let’s do the fifth”. The rest is a ping-pong fatigued by the latency of the connection signal which makes the three-way dialogue not very simple. The certainty is that “we finish no earlier than two” and Fiorello has “the night shift”, because his VivaRai2! turns into a sort of DopoFestival.

Fazio welcomed the presence of the two leading presenters of state TV as “a sign of serenity”; while the general director of Rai, Giampaolo Rossi, had explained the presence of the two on the competition channel as the result of “considered editorial choices, endorsed by company top management”. After all, Rai moving to Nove is making noise. Because Fazio’s exit from state TV caused a lot of discussion both before and after, especially in light of the ratings that the host managed to generate on the channel owned by Warner Bros. Discovery: in fact all the viewers who on Sunday evening followed Che tempo che fa on Rai3 and moved en masse to Nove, making it clear that Rai’s choice to get rid of Fazio was not very far-sighted. To make it clear that relations were tense, the rule was also added which stipulates that the winner of the Festival cannot be a guest on programs other than public television in the three days following the triumph. A rule that seemed written specifically for Fazio. Which in fact he had commented with a mixture of irony and disappointment: “It can’t be true that a rule has been made against my program.”

The guest appearance of Amadeus and Fiorello should therefore be read as a relaxing signal, but more so than on the part of Rai, but on the part of the host, who is too smart and experienced not to know that even the viewers of Nove are too important for the Festival. And this was the right opportunity to promote it two days before departure.

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February 4, 2024 (modified February 4, 2024 | 11:11 pm)

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