Amalia Granata revealed the nickname that Kirchnerism referred to Alberto Fernández

by time news

News ⁢Summary:⁢ Drama ⁤Escalates Around Alberto ‌Fernández

2024-08-09 17:41:03

Amidst the controversy surrounding Alberto Fernández’s alleged gender violence against⁢ Fabiola Yañez, a shocking video emerged featuring the president with his ​former ⁤advisor, Tamara​ Pettinato, in the presidential office. This recording, obtained exclusively by LN+, showcases Pettinato drinking beer and making concerning⁣ statements.

“We’re breaking up… our friendship,” she declares, before urging Fernández⁤ to express his affection. “You’re a wonderful person… I love‌ you very much.” The president ⁣responds with declarations of love and affection.

This revelation comes after legislator Amalia Granata was invited to⁣ the ⁣La Nación ⁣+ program, where she was asked about ⁣Cristina Kirchner’s comment towards Fernández. Her cryptic response sparked silence in the studio.

Furthermore,⁣ a new ‌video has surfaced where Pettinato expresses ⁢her​ love for Fernández, claiming him to be “the ⁢love of her life.” This declaration follows her⁤ controversial ‍moment in the presidential office.

Keywords: ‍Amalia​ Granata, Alberto Fernández, Tamara Pettinato,⁢ Kirchnerism, nickname

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