Amar, you lost the way; You will learn from your party leader

by time news

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu17.12.21 09:33 13 Tevet Tishpev

Amar, you lost the way;  You will learn from your party leader

(Photo: Meir Vaknin / Flash 90)

We are currently traveling from dawn at the Western Wall to the funeral of Yehuda Dimentman, 14, who was murdered last night at the entrance to the Chumash.

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Omar Bar-Lev is the Minister of Internal Security. He should know that in the last year the Arabs threw about 200 Molotov cocktails, and the Jews did not throw even a single bottle. He is supposed to know that the Arabs murdered Eliyahu Kay in Jerusalem and murdered Yehuda Guetta at the Tapuach junction. He murdered a Jew by beating him in Lod, and burned a Jew living in Acre, along with dozens of shops, mobiles and synagogues. This is not a family quarrel, nor is it a neighborhood dispute, this is Arab murder that exists in both Syria and Lebanon. Both in Iraq and in Libya.

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He is the minister and he knows, he is just looking for justification for any Arab murder, and explains to us that all graffiti of Jews and uprooting an olive tree, is a hate crime that requires the recruitment of hundreds of police officers. He must first be reminded of the words of the great leader of the labor movement – Berl Katzenelson, who recognized the righteousness of the way of the people of Israel and the wickedness of the cruel Arabs.

He understood that there was no struggle here between two just peoples fighting for the same land, and said in the context of the riots of the Arabs: “They knew that they had no power against the burglars of the animals, but for no moment did they lack the knowledge of their righteousness. The sad and shameful thing in our torment, we, is that some of our generation lack the living feeling of our absolute righteousness.”

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He did not at all understand Jews of the Bar-Lev type, who understand and justify the Arabs and always condemn the Jews: “Every robbery and every murder and every rape fills their hearts with a feeling of admiration and addiction?”. How can one so admire the “Palestinian Nazis, who managed to concentrate here in Israel the zoological anti-Semitism of Europe with the lust of the dagger in the East.”

He understood that there would be no peace with a people who encouraged his sons to be martyrs and kill. Even if we really want to, there will be no peace with them: “Covenant, agreement, friendship, brotherhood, solidarity are some of the things that require, at least, two. One will burn his soul in the flame of love. “

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Therefore, he thought that the solution was to transfer the Arabs to Syria and Iraq: “The issue of transferring the population provoked a debate among us: allowed or forbidden. Local political reform for the benefit of both sides. I have long believed that this is the best solution.

He recognized that this land belonged solely to us. This is what he said to the British who forbade it and settled in the Land of Israel: “Neither by your grace was the land given to us and not by your willful deceit will you learn it from us. You will not be able to us. In our heads we will smash the iron bolts.”

Berl Katzenelson’s actions and actions were also based on the fact that he understood in his mind and felt in his soul that his son fulfilled God’s promise to our father Abraham, “Let me give this land,” that the land of Israel was given to the people of Israel. Only out of certainty of divine promise can there be clarity in the righteousness of the way.

To the attention of a member of the Labor Party, Minister Omar Bar-Lev.

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