Amazon and the new Alexa: launch in October? It will use Anthropic’s Claude artificial intelligence

by time news

Amazon’s voice assistant could change as early as October: between algorithm-generated news summaries and a more charismatic voice, the new Alexa is trying to regain ground in the race for artificial intelligence

«Alexa, tell me when you’ll be updated“, we ask thevoice assistant of Amazon. A blue circle lights up around the device, suggesting the system is listening. Then it responds, “Please wait while I check.” A pause, then it continues. “The latest update has been installed on this device.”
So we will have to wait a little longer before trying them Alexa newsthe voice assistant that was bought by nearly half a billion people ten years ago. According to a rumor from Washington Postthe Amazon device could soon be equipped with a real artificial intelligence that will change the way we relate to the device and how it will respond to us. There is still no official confirmation from the company, but many details (and the possible price) of the new “voice” of Amazon are already known.

Claude will be there

In the new version of Alexa, whose definitive name is not yet known, the assistant’s responses will be supported by a generative artificial intelligence model. Not, as initially thought, developed by Amazon itself: the first tests did not give satisfactory results. It seems that the Seattle giant has decided to rely on Claudethe model of Anthropic on which it has already invested billions. The idea – according to rumors – is to launch the new Alexa in October, just before the American holiday period that begins with Thanksgiving Day in late November.

What can he do?

Internal documents seen by the Washington Post mention a voice assistant more charismatic and natural in conversations, which will adapt to customer habits and preferences. For example, Alexa will ask the user to tell us something about their family, and if specific diets are mentioned, then in future times it will be able to recommend recipes that take this into account.
In addition to also functioning as interactive chatbot for kids (the experience will be “safe and moderated” according to the guidelines and compliant with regulations, it is assured in the document), the new Alexa should improve the shopping experience on the famous e-commerce. In fact, users will be able to converse with the device to ask for additional details on the products and have them describe their appearance. For example, they will be able to ask what colors a dress is available in or what ingredients are in a snack, but also if there are any offers for smartphones. Finally, users will be able to ask the iconic voice to make a «smart briefing»that is, a summary of the day’s news which, thanks to AI, will be tailored to the user’s interests.

Ten dollars a month

For now in the confidential documents the novelty is called “Remarkable Alexa” o “Progetto Banyan”but a fundamental detail has already leaked out. The cost: the new AI-powered voice assistant can be used on all devices, but you will have to pay a subscription to access additional features. The price could be around ten dollars a monthbut the final cost will be announced in the future.

Why Amazon Has Never Made Money With Alexa

They are about 500 million devices that have been sold in this decade, but that does not mean that the project has been a real success for the company founded by Jeff Bezos. Designed primarily as a shopping assistant, Amazon soon realized that Alexa was being used in a completely different way than the profit uses for the company. In fact, most users use the voice assistant in its free functions (for example, playing music or managing the shopping list) instead of using it to make purchases on e-commerce. In short, the device designed to encourage customers to buy did not take the direction hoped for. And so the maintenance cost and, therefore, Amazon’s losses on this project have multiplied: according to the Wall Street Journal in just four years (from 2017 to 2021) the company would have lost 25 billion dollars.
Enhancing the shopping experience through the voice assistant (equipped with AI) and, above all, creating a subscription system to exploit the potential of Alexa seems like a way to curb the profitability problem of the device.

Artificial Intelligence and Elections

Two more big tech companies like Microsoft e Google they decided to cut to the chase: their respective artificial intelligences, Copilot and Gemini, they don’t answer questions about the electionsespecially on American ones. A clear decision to protect users from possible hallucinations (incorrect or partial information that is generated by artificial intelligence when it cannot adequately answer a question). But, in its own way, it is a way for the two companies to protect themselves from potential public criticism.
What Amazon’s policies will be on user questions about the election is not yet clear. One thing is certain: the new Alexa should be released in October, a few weeks before the long-awaited US presidential elections in November. A risk or an opportunity for the company? It is not yet known. However, the release cannot be postponed any further: Amazon is the latest of the big tech companies to catch up with the race to artificial intelligence. Ready or not, Alexa’s AI will have to land as soon as possible.

August 30, 2024 (edit August 30, 2024 | 11:38)

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