Amazon supports anti-Semitism? The Jewish CEO made a surprising statement

by time news

“As a content provider to hundreds of millions of private customers, who have many different points of view, we must allow access to those points of view, even if they are annoying and different from our particular points of view,” Jassi said of the film which, according to its description on Amazon, “reveals the true identity of The Children of Israel” – that is, claims that African-Americans are the ‘true Jews’, while what is known today as the Jewish people is a bunch of pretenders who stole their heritage from the blacks.

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According to Jassi, it is difficult for the company to define what content crosses the line, except in clear cases such as content that “actually incites or promotes violence, or educates people for acts such as pedophilia”. Instead, she relies on user reviews that will keep away from certain content those who might not like them: “The reality is that we have very broad user reviews. For books that attract a lot of attention – and especially public (discussion) – customers do a good job of monitoring other people.”

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