amazon union: The first union to form in the US Amazon: Former employee wins poll

by time news

amazon union: Amazon’s first union in Staten Island, New York.


New York, First Published Apr 2, 2022, 5:33 PM IST

Amazon is the first union to be formed in the Staten Island area of ​​New York, USA.

The group, led by former employee Christian Smalls, won after 55 percent voted in favor of forming a union at Amazon.

Fifty-five percent of employees working at Amazon warehouses in New York supported forming a union. The victory marks the first time a union has been formed in the United States, the largest private company in the world.

amazon union :Former Employee Who Defeated Amazon And Created The Companys First Union In The United States

Amazon was founded in 1994. Majority support is required if a company is to have a first union. But so far there has been no support to form a union. But it was alleged that the frontline staff working at Amazon did not even provide basic facilities to the staff working at the warehouses.

In particular, the workers felt that they needed a separate union to assert their rights, claiming that they had no facilities during the Corona epidemic.

Accordingly, various struggles led to the formation of a trade union led by Chris Small, a former employee of the company. The election was finally held for 6 days last month.

Polling was held daily from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fifty-five percent of the vote counted in favor of forming a union. The success of Small, which struggled to form a union, was a major setback for Amazon.

amazon union :Former Employee Who Defeated Amazon And Created The Companys First Union In The United States

The vote to form a union at the New York warehouse was held and completed. Now a similar demand is beginning to resonate in Alabama. Yet the vast majority of employees have been saying no to the union.
Christian Small, who won the union struggle, said, “We thank Jeff Bezos for giving us a place in the Amazon warehouse.”

The new union is headed by Small, the only Amazon warehouse in New York. This is just the beginning for Small. People now hope that he will form unions in various cities

Last Updated Apr 2, 2022, 5:33 PM IST

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