by time news

Washington; Actress and ex-wife Amber Head has filed a defamation suit against Hollywood star Johnny Depp during a trial. Amberhead burst into tears, saying she had been sexually abused and tried to kill herself.

..Johnny Depp and Amberhead are getting married in 2015. A month after the marriage began, Depp’s was brutally beaten. The incident took place in March 2015 while he was in Australia in connection with the shooting of a film. Amberhead said the dispute began with John Depp’s alcoholism. During an argument with Depp, I grabbed a bottle of liquor and smashed it to the ground. Infuriated, Depp grabbed another bottle and threw it at me. Meanwhile, Depp threatened to grab a bottle and smash it to my neck. One threat was that it would disfigure my face. I screamed that I had ruined his life and grabbed the broken bottle by the neck, “said Amberhead. Amber also revealed that Depp tore his nightgown and sexually assaulted her with a bottle.

Jomi Depp, meanwhile, denied the allegations. Johnny Depp said he never hurt Amberhead. “I’m never beaten a woman in my life, not even Haydn,” Depp said. Depp alleges that Amber physically abused him and dumped Head Mountain in bed out of resentment towards him.

The case came to court after Amberhead wrote in the Washington Post that she was a victim of domestic violence. . Following this, Johnny Depp first filed a defamation suit seeking $ 50 million in damages. Amberhead then filed a lawsuit against Johnny Depp. Amberhead’s complaint alleges that Depp continued to physically abuse her and demanded $ 100 million in damages.

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