Amber Heard petrified: Now MOSS help Kate Johnny! – People

by time news

“He never pushed me, kicked me, or threw me down the stairs.”

Does this short sentence in the defamation process between Johnny Depp (58) and Amber Heard (36) make the decision?

It comes from the statement by Depp-Ex Kate Moss (48)! The supermodel (discreet make-up, “Saint Laurent” blazer for 2800 euros) was connected as a witness via video from Gloucestershire (England).


Photo: Evelyn Hockstein/dpa

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Petrified expression, concrete hairstyle: This is how Amber Heard followed Kate Moss’ statementPhoto: Evelyn Hockstein/dpa

In her statement in early May, she dropped: “I immediately think of Kate Moss and the stairs.” She referred to a rumor that Depp once pushed the model down the steps in a dispute in Jamaica.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Waren von 1994 bis 1998 ein Paar, gelten bis heute als befreundet: Kate Moss und Johnny Depp" data-zoom-title="Waren von 1994 bis 1998 ein Paar, gelten bis heute als befreundet: Kate Moss und Johnny Depp

Foto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

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Were a couple from 1994 to 1998, are still considered friends today: Kate Moss and Johnny DeppFoto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

BRISANT: It was only through Heard’s statement that Kate Moss became a relevant witness for the Fairfax District Court – and was invited by Johnny Depp’s legal team!

She clarified, “It was raining heavily and when I got out, I slipped down the stairs.”

Depp rushed to her aid: “He carried me into the room and had me treated medically.” Amber Heard followed the descriptions with a petrified expression.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Johnny Depp bestreitet die Vorwürfe häuslicher Gewalt! Er kämpft seit drei Wochen vor dem Bezirksgericht in Fairfax um seinen Ruf, hat Amber Heard wegen Verleumdung auf 50 Millionen Dollar verklagt" data-zoom-title="Johnny Depp bestreitet die Vorwürfe häuslicher Gewalt! Er kämpft seit drei Wochen vor dem Bezirksgericht in Fairfax um seinen Ruf, hat Amber Heard wegen Verleumdung auf 50 Millionen Dollar verklagt

Photo: Michael Reynolds/dpa

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Johnny Depp Denies Domestic Violence Allegations! He has been fighting for his reputation in Fairfax District Court for three weeks, having sued Amber Heard for $50 million for defamationPhoto: Michael Reynolds/dpa

The trial spectacle ends on Friday with the closing arguments – then the jury has to decide whether Depp gets $ 50 million from his ex-wife (for defamation) – or SHE gets $ 100 million from him for assault …

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