Ambulance workers went on strike in the UK | They join the demand of nurses for a better salary

by time news

One day after the nurses and nurses, the British ambulance workers went on strike on Wednesday to demand an improvement in their salaries from the government, putting the health system in check. The social protest movement is expanding in the country before annual inflation of more than 10 percent and growing tensions with the Conservative government, which refuses to discuss wage improvements it considers “unapproachable.” The malaise also extends to the railway sector, customs police and mail.

However, the ambulance strike puts special pressure on the government because of the risks that this represents for people who need urgent care. The Minister of Health, Steve Barclayaccused the unions of having made the “conscious” decision to harm patients.

Rachel Harrison, general secretary of the GMB – the main trade union confederation in the country – responded to the health minister: “This is a truly insulting statement for ambulance staff and NHS staff.” The GMB Union they represent five hundred thousand workers from all sectors, whether public or private services.

Even so, the medical director of the NHS in England, Stephen Powis, asked from the BBC that the population drink alcohol in moderation because it will be “a very difficult day for the health services”. “We have worked closely with the unions to ensure emergency services for life-threatening diseases, including stroke and heart crisis, are maintained,” he said.

The general secretary of the GMB union said it was up to the government to put an end to this conflict. “By refusing to discuss wages with the unions, the government is the one who decides to continue the conflict“Harrison said.

The nurses union gave an ultimatum

This strike occurs one day after another by nurses, who already called a strike last week. This Tuesday night, your union Royal College of Nursing (RCN) sent a ultimatum to the government giving him two days to find an agreement on wages, or he will go on strike again after Christmas. This group, on strike for first time in a hundred years of existence union, became a symbol of the rising cost of living.

This professional group, made up of 90 percent by women, demands a 19 percent increasewhile the british government ofrence an increase of 4.75 which was recommended in July by an independent body of public health that evaluates salary conditions. The general secretary of nurses, Pat Culleninsisted that they will call more strikes in January if the Executive continues to refuse to sit at the table to address further salary increases.

The government response

British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakdefended this Tuesday the current mechanisms to set the salaries of public sector employees in the United Kingdom, despite the strikes of nurses and emergency employees, who demand better salaries and put the health system in check.

Refering to recommendation of a 4.75 percent increaseFaced with the demand of 19 percent of the nurses union, Sunak responded that the gap exists because “salary is something obviously difficult to decide and they – the independent body that made the calculation – take into account the various interests at stake.” .

The prime minister established that there are more structural problems to be resolved, such as inflation, which in the month of November it stood at 10.7 percent. “I admit that it is a difficult situation. It is difficult for everyone, because inflation is where it is, and the best way to help them and everyone else is to try to reduce inflation as quickly as possible“, he added.

The Ministry of Health asks for common sense in activities

The british minister of health This Wednesday, he asked the population to exercise “common sense” when carrying out activities to avoid risk situations due to the strike of ambulance workers and emergency paramedics.

The measure of force will guarantee minimum services to attend emergency calls considered “category one”, in which a patient is at immediate risk of death. The authorities asked the population that, in case of urgent assistance, first do so through the emergency service online and avoid making the phone call, and also avoid unnecessary car trips and sports activities.

Some 750 members of the armed forces will be deployed this Wednesday to provide aidalthough it is estimated that their work will be limited, since they will not be able to provide medical assistance.

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