AMD open-sources Radeon ray tracing analysis tools, making it easier for developers to create realistic light and shadow environment effects- mashdigi-Technology, New Products, Interests, Trends

by time news

AMD announced earlier that it will open source its Radeon ray tracing analysis tool and share the relevant original code through GitHub.

The relevant information of the Radeon ray tracing analysis tool was actually uploaded to GitHub in July this year, but at that time it was only stated that AMD had this tool ready to open source, and it was not until recently that the tool content of up to 96,000 lines of original code was officially announced.

This tool is mainly to enable AMD GPU to display real-time light and shadow tracing effects, and at the same time to further improve the overall computing performance. The announcement of the open source of this tool means that it will make it easier for developers to build corresponding The content of real-time light and shadow tracing effects is also expected to boost the sales and usage demand of AMD’s Radeon series graphics cards.

According to AMD’s instructions, when creating real-time light and shadow tracing effects, developers had to build their own acceleration structure in the past. At the same time, they also had to understand the application range and end time of light irradiation effects. If too many overlapping stacking ranges are created during the process, the overall content will be executed Performance is affected. In addition, if the application range and end time are not set correctly, some lighting effects will be abnormal and the picture will become unnatural.

Therefore, in the tool provided by AMD, the ray effect application terrain will be divided into several pieces, and the ray tracing effect required for different terrains can be analyzed more efficiently, and the overall processing efficiency can also be improved.


If developers want to use this tool, they must install the latest graphics card driver from AMD, and the old version of the driver must be removed cleanly to avoid unnecessary impact. In addition, the graphics card is limited to use Radeon RX 6000 series or above graphics cards, and the operating system supports Windows 10 and later versions, and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and later versions, and also supports Microsoft DirectX 12 and the new version of Vulkan API.

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