AMD reveals the launch date of the next generation of video cards • HWzone

by time news

The chip developer did its best to spoil the big competitor’s celebration when it announced the launch date of the Radeon RX 7000 generation just hours before the GeForce RTX 4090 and GeForce RTX 4080 were revealed to the world

The competition between AMD’s red camp and NVIDIA’s green camp is going to become especially hot in the near future, judging by the many advanced technologies that are going to be thrown into the arena at once within the new graphics card generations that are around the corner – and also by the ‘tricks’ that the chip companies use against each other in the The constant battle for the customers’ pockets, with one good example of this coming right now from the side of the Radeon brand.

It was clear to everyone that the keynote speech by the CEO of NVIDIA as part of the GTC conference would provide details about the new Ada Lovelace generation – and in a miraculous coincidence, shortly before the network was filled with news about the new technologies of the GeForce brand and other products from NVIDIA , the official public announcement appeared on Twitter that the launch of the first RDNA 3 models from AMD will arrive on November 3, 2022, with a double symbolic use of the number three.

This statement, which appeared on the official Twitter account of Scott Harkelman, director of AMD’s Radeon division, did not manage to steal the spotlight from Jen-San Huang for a long time – but it also makes us talk about the products of the red camp now, in parallel with our news about the cards – RTX 4090 and advanced technologies that will accompany them, so it is hard to deny that the goal was successfully achieved.

AMD’s most advanced Radeon RX 7000 cards will be based on chiplet technology with a division between a main graphics processing chip in a 5 nm production process from TSMC, and secondary 6 nm chips for an increased Infinity Cache cache memory with a volume of up to 96MB – with Up to 96 processing clusters and up to 12,288 active shading units which, if you believe a well-known and respected Twitter leaker, can reach completely unprecedented operating frequencies of almost 4GHz.

No less surprising than the crazy operating frequency is the fact that AMD will probably continue to rely on traditional 8Pin power supply connections in the new generation video cards, which means that the Radeon RX 7900 XT will include no less than three such connections, on the way to a potential power envelope of 450 -500 watts which will be lower than that of a GeForce RTX 4090 card that has a single modern 16-pin 12VHPWR connector.

The mid-market Radeon RX 7000 cards may be satisfied with monolithic graphics cores (consisting of a single piece of silicon) in a 6nm manufacturing process from TSMC, with up to 32 processing clusters and up to 4,096 shader units that will provide performance at a level similar to that of the Radeon RX 6800 or Radeon RX 6800 XT.

The announcement of the RX 7000 cards at the beginning of November may indicate a launch that will happen only at the end of that month or even at the beginning of December, and will cause AMD to miss the revealed shopping frenzy of the Western markets for the new year, unlike NVIDIA which can enter that November With relatively respectable stocks for the apparent RTX 4090 – but there is a chance that AMD will be able to surprise with an availability date very close to the launch event at least for the most expensive and prestigious flagship model in the lineup, so that consumers can order it and receive it in practice while the buzz is still at its peak.

In any case, there is no doubt that the months remaining until the end of 2022 will be very interesting for hardware and gaming enthusiasts – and so will the first months of 2023, which will probably bring us the required announcements about cheaper models in the new families.

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