Amélie Oudéa-Castéra launches reflections on the maternity of sportswomen

by time news

The question came back on the table with the case of Clarisse Crémer, this skipper who believes she could not qualify for the Vendée Globe 2024 due to her maternity. The Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, announced on Monday March 6 the launch several tracks to improve the situation of top athletes who choose to become a mother during their career.

Among the proposals of the Ministry of Sports, presented during a morning of debates on women’s sport at the handball house located in Créteil: integrating the “parenthood criterion” in the aid criteria of the National Sports Agency (ANS) or the extension from one to two years on the registration of the list of high-level athletes for “leave time” Women’s.

The Sports Department will also look into the sports regulations which must “ensure that maternity is taken into account”. The president of the Vendée Globe, Alain Leboeuf, declared that a committee, chaired by Patricia Brochard (Sodebo), was looking into the subject with a view to the 2028 edition, in order to “secure applications”. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra also mentioned “the creation of a cross-functional operational unit”.

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“Choosing motherhood is taking a risk”

The fencer Astrid Guyart, secretary general of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, currently pregnant, pointed out the fact that “It’s easier when you’re number one in your sport”. “What about the substitutes? »she launched. “Too often for them the choice of motherhood is a risk taking” and often they “give up” or “repel”. Representatives of the Women’s Basketball League have explained for their part that they want to conclude their collective agreement, integrating provisions on maternity, at 1is July.

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra also announced “unlock a million euros” as part of a ” call for projects “ with the ANS for “eliminate gender bias” in two hundred French schoolyards.

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She shelled out a few figures: only “two women Olympic federation presidents out of thirty-six”, “20% of national technical directors” or “5% of broadcast volume devoted to women’s sport”. “Five percent is not worthy of our country”she launched to the sports bosses of Canal +, France TV, BeIN Sports and the team together.

The World with AFP

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