America Giovani Award: Messina’s Gloria, Maria Grazia, Paola and Caterina among the academic excellences

by time news

Four women. Four excellences who cultivate their dreams. The female doctors Gloria Mollura, Maria Grazia Gagliardo, Paola Crisalli and Caterina Scopellitiwere recently awarded the “Young America Award for University Talent” provided by the Italy USA Foundation and they got the Scholarship for full coverage of the Executive Master in “Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy” which is part of the United Nations Academic Program Unai – United Nations Academic Impact, in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency and Gedi Tech publishing group. The course aims to concretely support boys and girls in their entry into the global world of work. The award ceremony that took place in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies was a great emotion.

And here are the protagonists. Paola obtained a master’s degree in “modern languages: literature and translation”: “These two years represent – she says – the culmination and completion of my educational path at the University of Messina, during which I have evolved both as a person and as a professional of tomorrow. My master’s thesis had the objective of trying to unite two worlds, that of faith and that of homosexuality, with the intent of finding possible points of contact, starting from a purely literary ground. I consider myself an eclectic and open-minded person for this reason, my secret dream is to work and live abroad, in order to discover as many cultures and ideas as possible. Currently I do not have a specific objective, but I would like to work in the corporate field. Furthermore, this year I will be involved as a volunteer for the universal civil service that I will carry out in Reggio Calabria”.

America Giovani Award: Messina’s Gloria, Maria Grazia, Paola and Caterina among the academic excellences

Gloria Mollura also with adrenaline at a thousand: «Receiving this award – she says – was truly a great emotion, especially in a place as illustrious as the Chamber of Deputies. I am happy and proud to be among the thousand Italian graduates to have received it. I earned my master’s degree in “modern languages ​​and translation for International Relations” at the University of Palermo, which was a second home to me, as well as, of course, the University of Messina where I earned my Bachelor’s degree, which gave me the foundations to take flight. Among other things, it was an honor for me to be able to connect these two beautiful cities with the writing of my master’s thesis focused on accessibility to the Messina museum. It was an opportunity thanks to which, in synergy with the board of directors of MuMe and the Uici section of Messina, I was able to create audio descriptions for the blind and visually impaired of some of the most significant works that make up the artistic and cultural heritage of our beautiful museum. My secret dream is to become a translator, especially in the audiovisual field, and to be able to put what I have studied to good use».

Caterina still incredulous: «I didn’t expect to be selected among the thousand best new graduates in Italy. Receiving the Premio America Giovani from the Fondazione Italia USA is a great source of pride for me, the point of arrival, but also of departure, of a journey made of so much study and sacrifice. The award ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies was an incredible experience, a memory that will always be alive in my mind. On March 20, I graduated with honors in “modern languages, literature and translation”; they were two magnificent years, which enriched me both culturally and personally. Currently, I am attending the Master’s degree from the Foundation, whose lessons have opened a window for me on the world of Digital Marketing, a field that interacts very well with the study of foreign languages ​​and cultures. My secret dream is to become a translator and, specifically, a video game localizer, a world for which I have always had a strong passion since I was little».

Maria Grazia closes the circle: “The “America Giovani Award for university talent” represents an important recognition for me after many years of study and sacrifice. I did not expect to be selected among the thousand best graduates in Italy and to be awarded at the Chamber of Deputies. It was an incredible and exciting experience. I obtained a master’s degree in modern languages: literature and translation with 110 cum laude. Currently, I am involved in several projects, including the Tfa to obtain the specialization in support, and I am taking courses to expand my knowledge in various fields, with a particular focus on teaching and translation. My secret dream is to undertake a career as a teacher. I aspire to combine teaching with academic research and translation, thus contributing to a field that I am deeply passionate about.”

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