America, Russia, China, Ancient Rome. Listening and reading the 4 faces of power –

by time news

The new cycle of the Accademia di Solferino project and «Corriere»: from 4 April the first online audio, from Friday 7 the volume on newsstands. It starts from the United States

A complex concept, that of “empire”, derived from the Latin word imperium, Meaning what

«command», «order», born to define domination in the private sphere of property and the home, and later passed to the public sphere, where it has come to mean «the exercise of sovereign power». A concept that in recent history has evolved further, indicating geopolitical “blocks” and zones of influence of global reachand even regimes.

In short, a topic to be explored in order to better understand the contemporary world and also the events of the ongoing conflict: «Empire» is the new theme of the project «Accademia. Words for the present »the monographic series of Solferino with the «Corriere della Sera», edited by Alessandro Vanoli, which offers podcasts (to listen to) and books (to read), with lessons from experts and specialists on the subject: two different media, the ‘audio and the book, to get closer to knowledge quickly and easily.

The new cycle of the «Accademia» project, dedicated precisely to the word «Empire», proposes quattro podcast onlineone a week, which explore the subject from four different angles, and which will be accompanied by as many books on newsstands and in bookstores.

The first podcast, on the national tradition and the “exceptionalism” of the United States, is The American Empireby the journalist Giovanna Pancheri: the podcast is already available from today on (for the first month only for subscribers, su, later it will be free on all platforms), while the volume that expands the contents of the podcast will be available for purchase from Friday 7 April (on newsstands for 11.50 euros plus the price of the newspaper).

Subsequent titles, online podcasts and books on newsstands and in bookstores, will be available from April 14 onwards, a new one every weekand will face other latitudes and other declinations of the term “empire”: a world tour to talk about geopolitics but also about traditions, cultures and ways of thinking.

The title Sacred power. A Russian Symphony between Church and State, of the Russianist and writer Andrew Tarabbiawill be available from Friday 14 April as a podcast on time.newsand on the same day also in book form (on newsstands for 12 euros plus the price of the newspaper) and will deal with Russian power in its historical evolution: from the tsars to the Soviet empire, up to today’s autocracy, analyzing the intertwining centuries between the different powers, military, political and even religious in the shadow of the Kremlin.

The online podcast will follow on Friday 21 April Imperium. Power from ancient Rome to modern political models, of the ancient historian Right Traina (the book will be released on the same day and will be on newsstands for €8.50 plus the price of the newspaper). The scholar Traina starts from the meaning of the term in antiquity, theimperium as a prerogative of some Roman magistrates and later as an honorary title for army commanders, up to sanctioning absolute leadership.

The fourth online podcast will be China and us. Past identity, perspectives, of the political scientist Giovanni B. Andornino (the book will be released on the same day, on newsstands at €8.50 plus the cost of the newspaper): an analysis of the forms of government in Chinese history, to understand the differences between today’s Asian giant and the Western powers.

The podcasts of the «Accademia. Words for the present» by Solferino and «Corriere» are available to subscribers for the first month on They will then be available for free to everyone on all platforms; to reach the listening page you can scan the qr code on the side

April 3, 2023 (change April 3, 2023 | 21:31)

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