American Astronaut Frank Rubio’s Unexpected Year in Space: Overcoming Challenges and Making History

by time news

American astronaut Frank Rubio reflects on his unexpected year-long stay aboard the International Space Station (ISS), as he prepares to return to Earth on September 27. What was initially supposed to be a six-month mission turned into a 371-day stay in space for Rubio due to a series of unforeseen events.

Rubio’s journey began last September when he, along with his Russian crewmates Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin, arrived at the ISS on a Soyuz capsule. However, in mid-December, the capsule developed a coolant leak, putting their return trip in jeopardy. Another spacecraft attached to the ISS also experienced a similar leak, further delaying their replacement transportation.

While Rubio and his crewmates were never in grave danger, these incidents disrupted their mission timeline. Rubio, who had planned on spending six months in orbit, had to extend his stay by another six months. This meant that he would be away from his Miami home for a whole year.

Reflecting on the unexpected extension, Rubio admitted that if he had known beforehand, he may have declined the opportunity. However, he remained committed to the mission once training began, recognizing the sacrifices that come with being part of the International Space Station’s ongoing work.

During his time on the ISS, Rubio participated in various research projects, contributing to NASA’s preparations for future space missions. From growing tomatoes without soil to investigating crop production in space to assisting in the development of 3D-printed knee cartilage tissue, Rubio’s contributions were crucial to advancing scientific knowledge in a microgravity environment.

Additionally, Rubio became a research subject himself, as NASA scientists used him and other crewmates to test smaller exercise devices as potential replacements for the ISS’s treadmills. This research will help determine the feasibility of longer-duration missions to the moon and Mars.

However, these achievements were overshadowed when it was announced in January that the Soyuz intended for Rubio’s return had a coolant leak, likely caused by a micrometeoroid strike. A replacement craft was sent in February, setting Rubio’s return date for September.

As Rubio prepares to leave the ISS, his body will need to readjust to the weight-bearing environment of Earth after over a year in zero gravity. He anticipates that it will take him months to feel normal again. Nevertheless, he is eagerly looking forward to hugging his wife and kids upon his return and savoring the peace and quiet of his backyard in Miami, something he couldn’t experience during his year in space.

Rubio’s extended stay will also mark a milestone in NASA’s history. He has broken the agency’s record for the longest continuous spaceflight by an American, surpassing the previous record of 355 days set by astronaut Mark Vande Hei. Rubio’s dedication to the mission and resolve in overcoming challenges have contributed to his achievement, but he remains humble, recognizing that his success is a team effort.

As Rubio’s return approaches, he expresses gratitude for the support of NASA and his fellow astronauts, emphasizing that any celebration should acknowledge the collective effort. He jokes that if a commemorative patch is made, there should be plenty for everyone.

Amidst the emotional highs and lows of his extended stay in space, Rubio remains grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing work of the ISS and NASA’s goals of furthering space exploration.

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