American experts on Russia demand from Biden to indicate possible sanctions on Russia | News from Germany on world events | Dw

by time news

A group of former American security and Russia experts – shortly after the telephone conversation between US and Russian Presidents Joseph Biden and Vladimir Putin – issued a statement urging the American leader to immediately and publicly state what sanctions the Russian side would face if Moscow went to a military escalation in relation to Kiev. This was announced on Friday, December 31st, by the AP agency.

The document was signed, in particular, by former US State Department sanctions coordinator and former US Ambassador to Poland Daniel Fried, ex-head of the US diplomatic mission in Russia Michael McFaul, former NATO First Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow, who at one time also headed the diplomatic mission in RF. In addition, the former US ambassador to Kiev, Stephen Pifer, and John Herbst, who also held this position, were among the signatories. As AP specified, 24 drafters of the statement worked in the administrations of Barack Obama, George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.

“A package of large-scale and painful sanctions”

“We believe the United States should, in close cooperation with its NATO allies and with Ukraine, take immediate steps to influence the Kremlin’s cost-benefit balance (and do so. – Ed.) before the Russian leadership decides on further military escalation, “the authors of the document are sure.

“Such a response should include a package of massive and painful sanctions that will be applied immediately if Russia attacks Ukraine. Ideally, the outline of these sanctions should be presented to Moscow now so that the Kremlin has a clear idea of ​​the scale of the economic blow that it will face.” – the experts indicated.

Telephone conversation between Putin and Biden

Earlier, on the night of December 31, telephone talks between Biden and Putin took place. The conversation lasted about 50 minutes.

During the telephone conversation, the American leader called for a de-escalation of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev and promised that the United States and its allies would “resolutely respond” in the event of an invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, the White House press service reported after the conversation.

The Kremlin press service indicated that Putin, in a conversation with Biden, called the possibility of adopting large-scale sanctions against Russia in the event of an escalation of the situation around Ukraine “a serious mistake, in fact, threatening a complete rupture of Russian-American relations.”

US President will talk with Ukrainian counterpart

Later, the White House reported that Biden planned to hold a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on January 2. He noted that “he is looking forward to the opportunity to talk with the US President again” in order to coordinate “steps for the sake of peace in Ukraine and security in Europe.”

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