American intelligence obtained/assembled a model of the Iranian explosive drone Shahed-136 in order to develop a weapon system against it. A special American headquarters is working for this purpose from Kiev

by time news

Several American intelligence sources report, on Saturday 22.10, Because American intelligence is now working in a supreme effort to obtain a model of the Iranian exploding drone Shahed Shahed-136, in order to develop a weapon system against him.
‘Obtaining the model of the Iranian drone is now a top priority of the intelligence’, said a senior American source. He added that parts of such Iranian drones that were shot down in Ukraine have already arrived in the United States and experts are already examining them.
The American official refused to say whether it was possible to assemble a complete or almost complete UAV from these parts. Other American sources hinted at the possibility that American intelligence had recently managed to bring an entire explosive Iranian drone from one of the Middle East countries. The sources refused to confirm or deny this news and also refrained from naming the country from which the model was brought to the United States.
The military origins of infection case noting, Because a special American headquarters that coordinates the operations to obtain the information about Shahed-136 operates from the United States Embassy in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The staff is headed by a one-star general a one-star army general, And that you flew parts of the Iranian drone that was shot down in Ukraine planes almost on a daily basis to the United States.
Our sources also indicate that obtaining a model of the drone by the United States has been given top priority in the last two weeks After it became clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the purchase and operation of thousands of such explosive drones from Iran and operate them with the aim of destroying the Ukrainian military and strategic infrastructures such as the power plants, the water works, and the road and railway networks.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday, That the recent Russian drone and missile attacks resulted in approximately 30 percent of Ukrainian power generation capacity being damaged and that large parts of Ukraine remained without electricity. Considering that the approaching winter period, which is a very cold period in Ukraine where the temperatures drop far below zero, the lack of electricity can become an influential factor in the war.
The American intelligence sources added and said, Because their goal is to develop a means or weapon system that will shoot down the exploding Iranian drones even before they reach their designated targets.
One of the options being explored is to shoot down these drones or detonate them while in the air by means of cyber warfare.
The military origins of infection case noting, Because in order to achieve such a goal, the Americans need to penetrate and take over some of the Iranian-Russian launch systems.
On December 5, 2011, 11 years ago, the Iranians, with the help of Chinese intelligence and cyber experts, succeeded in taking over the satellite communication channels of the secret American drone RQ-170U and landing it intact and unharmed at an Iranian air base near the northeastern city of Kashmar. Iranian success -This Chinese is considered to this day as one of the biggest American intelligence failures.
Today you can find parts/traces of the RQ-170 in the exploding UAV Shahed Shahed-136.

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