American liberals against Biden’s soft line on Israel

by time news – Liberals against the soft line of the American president, Joe Biden, on Israel. The one in the classroom of the progressive star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, stage name AOC, against Washington’s response to the conflict in the Gaza Strip: “Israel has the right to defend itself. But do the Palestinians have the right to survive? ”.

The White House underlines the administration’s commitment “to the de-escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to lasting peace”. All diplomatic levers have been activated, notes spokeswoman Jen Psaki, “with high-level contacts in the region”, not just with Israel (Biden spoke Wednesday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) and with the Palestinian National Authority “but also with other partners, including Egypt”, which is said to be playing a leading role in negotiations with Hamas for a truce.

“The United States must recognize (Israel’s) role in the injustice and violation of Palestinian human rights. This has nothing to do with two parts. This is an imbalance of power ”, declares Ocasio-Cortez, denouncing the Israeli provocations and the conditions of social degradation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories. The Biden administration defends the legitimacy of Israel’s territorial protection and armed response.

“We must have the courage to admit our contribution – insists Ocasio-Cortez – and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if the reason we don’t do it, if we are afraid to oppose the detention of children in Palestine, is because we do not have the courage to confront the detention of children here on our border“. AOC disputes the White House’s claim that Israel has the right to defend itself.

“Such statements, tout court, out of context and without taking into account what caused that cycle of violence, the expulsion of Palestinians and the attacks on Al-Aqsa, dehumanize the Palestinians and imply that the United States is turning away part in front of the violation of human rights. It’s wrong ”, thunders the young deputy dem.

The UN Security Council will meet on Sunday on the new armed conflict. The first meeting, requested by Tunis, saw the US reservations in the adoption of a joint declaration “at this stage”. After Donald Trump’s Abraham Agreement, What Will Biden’s America Proposal Be?


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