American sees Boeing 747 as a sign of luck and wins prize of R $ 4 billion

by time news

The American Prize Becky Bell is also the ninth largest in US lottery history.

what is known

  • Becky BellA is a Boeing employee and lives in Auburn, Washington.
  • She bought her lucky ticket at a local grocery store. on February 5th.
  • As the prize announced at the time was US$ 747 million (R$ 3.8 billion), she saw the value as a sign, since days before the company where she works delivered the last copy of the 747 jumbo plane, and decided to buy one second ticket.
  • Bell was working remotely from home when he received a notification on his cell phone of news about the award.
  • Upon checking the result, she discovered that the second ticket she bought marked the six numbers drawn.

I called my children, sisters and my mother several times to verify the numbers. You can imagine my shock when I realized what had just happened. I just broke down and cried”
Becky Bell, winner of the lottery

The odds of winning a Powerball jackpot are extremely slim: about one in 292.2 million.

Winners can choose to receive the award over 29 years or in a single cash payment. The final amount taken home depends on state and federal taxes. According to the USA Today news website, Bell chose the cash option and received almost R$ 1.6 billion – after taxes.

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