Amir Peretz: Ready for an IPO and want it, we will develop better with it

by time news

The Aerospace Industry is in a huge deal with Morocco (Flash 90 photo/ Tomer Neuberg, Wikipedia, pexels)

The Aerospace Industry finished the year 2022 with historic results. The battlefield, which has been undergoing a real revolution in recent years, places it at the forefront of Israeli technology in the field, and this means that the company must be much more operationally flexible. It must direct management resources to specific locations and no less important, it wants to expand through mergers and acquisitions.

Amir Peretz, the company’s chairman and Boaz Levy, its CEO, say in an interview with ice that the company is ready to go public and is awaiting legal approvals that will allow it to go ahead with the move. “The Legal Advisor to the Government is currently preoccupied with matters more pressing than our IPO. We understand this and believe that by the end of the year we will complete its first phase. Even if it will not be the full move, it will be the first phase” says Amir Peretz.

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“We are proud of the results of 2022 that point to the right directions and a strategic concept that combines the geographic goals and instability in the world. We are focused on Europe, covering China and the Abraham Accords, but we are not neglecting the geographic areas in which we are already active today,” he says.

“Our technologies manage to cope with any other factor in the world and make no mistake, the competition in our field is tough. We are making an integrated move. The CEO and I and we are managing to channel the energies that a company like the Aerospace Industry has to turn the ego-system into an ecosystem. Everyone in the company is committed to this goal and you see the results”

The strategy for moving to the future battlefield requires a different kind of thinking. How does that happen?

“This requires precise coordination with the defense system. From our point of view, the transition to autonomous tools is significant for us. There is no factory similar to the Aerospace Industry that is capable of producing advanced and high-quality tools from the army to space.

“A company of our type must see its goals in another way. We are building our new factory in Beer Sheva and work there will start in a few months. Beer Sheva has an excellent engineering faculty and good people study there. We will be the first to absorb them and we will be able to get the best out of it.” Peretz says.

“A company of our kind also contributes to Israel’s political positioning. Just recently we were in Abu Dhabi where an autonomous vessel with our systems was launched. The whole world sees it and there is considerable significance to the fact that Israeli technology and an Israeli flag are found in such places.” Adds a burst.

Boaz Levy, CEO of the Aerospace Industries is the man who needs to implement the vision he and Amir Peretz share when the relationships in companies like the Aerospace Industries are very complex. “It’s not every day a company like ours shows results like this. Our performance is growing over the years and will continue to be so.

“As for the relationship between the board, the chairman of the board and the management, such results are actually the fruits of cooperation between the board and the management. We are working on very complex processes today. You have to remember that 75% of our activity today is outside of Israel.

“Pay attention” says Levy “our aviation activity is showing profitability for the first time and looking at 2023 the results of this activity will be better. The aerospace industry is looking at the battlefield that is changing its face and we are seeing the various wars certainly since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We are seeing the changes And all of this dictates a change in the campaign and the aerospace industry today has a variety of products that respond to the changing battlefield.

“The connection of all these solutions provides an answer to the future battlefield, and when you add the autonomous dimension, you get our answer to the future field – that’s where we’re aiming,” he says.

Levy and Peretz are unanimous that the delays in the IPO are more related to the political storm that is attracting the attention of the legal adviser to the government. “We want the IPO” says Levy and adds “this process is very complex and we hope that this year we will be after an IPO or at least part of it. This is important to us because it will give us status in the Capital Investment Promotion Law and allow us flexibility in mergers and acquisitions.

“At the end of the day, we are a business company that must be flexible both operationally and business-wise, and going public is an important step on this path,” he concludes.

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