Amiram Ben Oliel Transferred to Religious Wing of Ayalon Prison for Rosh Hashanah: Justice for Amiram Campaign Succeeds

by time news

Shavas Transfers Prisoner Amiram Ben Oliel to Religious Wing in Ayalon Prison for Rosh Hashanah

In a surprising move, Shavas, the department responsible for Israel’s prison system, announced the transfer of prisoner Amiram Ben Oliel to the religious wing of Ayalon prison. The decision comes after a spirited campaign led by the “Justice for Amiram” headquarters and a formal request submitted by attorney Adi Kider from the Honnu organization. The request sought to transfer Ben Oliel to a religious wing for the Tishrei holidays.

Amiram Ben Oliel was convicted for the heinous murder of the Devabsha family and has been enduring extremely harsh conditions in Eshel prison located in southern Israel. He has been confined to a heavily guarded wing, isolated in his cell without any interaction with fellow inmates. The only time he is allowed to leave his cell is for a mere two hours a day to a closed yard. His family is permitted to visit him once every two weeks for a brief half-hour meeting facilitated by a glass partition. To add to his isolation, he has been denied access to the synagogue and the opportunity to participate in prayer services. Further restrictions include being allowed to keep only five holy books in his cell.

However, recent developments indicate a slight improvement in Ben Oliel’s conditions. After a seven-year ban on phone calls, he has been granted permission to communicate with his family members. This decision follows the policy set forth by Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir. The Minister believes that it is unfair for Arab terrorists to enjoy more favorable conditions than Jewish prisoners labeled as security threats, and even some regular criminals. As a result, the security establishment deemed it appropriate to permit Ben Oliel to make phone calls to a select number of individuals, including his wife and young daughter.

While the announcement of Ben Oliel’s transfer to the religious wing of Ayalon prison for the occasion of Rosh Hashanah has been met with mixed reactions, it marks a small step towards acknowledging his religious needs during the holiday season. This decision brings some solace to those advocating for his rights and the “Justice for Amiram” campaign.

As the discussions surrounding prisoner conditions intensify, it remains to be seen whether more changes will be made in response to public pressure. The case of Amiram Ben Oliel serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between security concerns and the preservation of prisoners’ rights, particularly when it comes to religious observance.

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