Amit Segal: The dormant Bennett despised Idit Silman, then also humiliated her

by time news

Amit Segal, the senior political commentator for News 12, refers this morning (Friday) in his weekly column in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper to the retirement of Idit Silman – who shook the coalition and brought the Bennett-Lapid-Abbas government closer to an end.

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In his column, Segal wrote that Silman “collapsed under pressure in the streets, in the synagogue, in the supermarket, on Twitter… For a long time it is impossible to beat the house, and in this case the members of the house as well.”

According to Segal, “Bezalel Smutrich, the shadow writer of Silman’s letter of resignation, understood that the holiday was not a crisis but an opportunity: Silman and Auerbach returned from work, to their natural environment that detested the government and wanted it to fall. In place of the Knesset, the synagogue. The rabbi of Orbach’s community in Kfar Ganim teased him in the Shabbat sermons Receive an audience and worshipers. Anyone who has not experienced this in high school yeshiva will not understand the humiliation.

“What happened to many of his predecessors happened to Levant: their heads in the clouds forgot that their feet were still grounded in the local swamp. As is the way with prime ministers on leave, he forgot that there is politics.

“Towards the beginning he took off to mediate in Ukraine, flew to Sharm, talked to Biden and fell asleep on guard. He belittled Silman, then humiliated her. His phone call with her, after the ultimatum on Sunday, sounded like a commander and an order, not of a prime minister with the finger of the finger thanks to which he serves. When she postponed the meeting, it had to be understood that something was going on. But he was not hinted at. “

“He simply did not imagine that Idit Silman, ostensibly the religious religious from Rehovot, like most of the people of Israel, really interfered with the Health Minister’s enthusiastic support for chametz on Passover. Bennett is not interested in this. “As he nonetheless offered Zalansky to give up half of Ukraine, because that is how he offered Suleiman ‘not to issue ultimatums.'”

The commentator notes that what broke Silman was not necessarily Horowitz’s chametz decree, but the wave of terror in Israeli cities. “Bennett’s silence in front of Secretary of State Blinken and his conscious decision to say ‘West Bank’ signaled to members of the right that their prime minister is turning left. One faction member was asked last week if there was any scenario in which he and Bennett would run together in the upcoming election. He thought and thought, and could not find such a script. No wonder in the end was found someone who hit the emergency hammer on the glass, and jumped out of the vehicle on the side of the road.

“There was something symbolic in the fact that a significant part of the negotiations to dismantle it was conducted in the town of Ofra in Binyamin, where Silman took refuge from the paparazzi with a good friend: Bennett refrained from visiting the settlements, so the settlements came to knock on his door.”

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