AMLO presumes that Mexico’s economy is bigger than Spain’s: “To remove complexes”

by times news cr

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) He presumed that Mexico’s economy is larger than Spain’s; “to remove complexes”said the federal president on his last day as head of the Presidency of the Republic.

During his morning conference today Monday, September 30President López Obrador highlighted Mexico as the 12th economy worldwidea fact due to which the country displaced Spain with a higher percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

This information was pointed out by AMLO in the National Palace after the elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, decided not to invite King Felipe VI to her inauguration tomorrow, October 1, at the headquarters of the Congress of the Union, located in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro in CDMX.

AMLO: “We moved to Spain, South Korea and Australia; “All this is to remove complexes”

AMLO presumed that Mexico displaced Spain, South Korea and Australia as one of the best economies according to World Bank data; this despite the Covid-19 pandemic as he explained that his opponents predicted that the country would not recover from the global economic fall for the tragedy.

“They predicted, the experts and our adversaries who always bet that things will go badly for us. Fortunately, their predictions have not panned out. They bet that it was not going to be a “V” but an “L” (in terms of graphic growth), that we were going to stay down. There you can see it in the economic analyzes of the experts”

In this sense, the president highlighted Mexico as the 12th economy worldwide:

“We were in 14th place among the 20 countries with the best economies in the world and we are now in 12th. We have displaced, among other economies, Spain, South Korea, and Australia. All this is also to remove complexes, eh”

Within the framework of the end of his six-year term, AMLO emphasized one of the slogans that he proclaimed throughout his political career; “the poor first”. In that sense, he brought into account that, according to figures from the World BankIn this six-year term, 9.5 million people escaped poverty.

The Government of Spain considers “unacceptable” the lack of invitation from Felipe VI to the inauguration of Claudia Sheinbaum

The government of Spainheaded by the socialist Pedro Sánchez, considered “unacceptable” the fact that Claudia Sheinbaum chose not to invite King Felipe VI; this for not having responded to a letter from AMLO in March 2019.

In the document, the still president of Mexico asked the king of Spain to apologize for the “unquantifiable violations” that were experienced during the period of the Conquest in the territory that is today Mexico.

However, the monarch did not respond “as would have corresponded to the best diplomatic practice of bilateral relations”explained Claudia Sheinbaum, who chose to only invite President Pedro Sánchez Castrejón to her inauguration, who, in turn, accused President AMLO of intervening in this decision and decided not to attend the event.

What does the letter that AMLO sent to the king of Spain say?

In March 2019, AMLO sent a letter to the King of SpainFelipe VI, with which the Spanish State and the monarchy itself were asked apologize to Mexico for the “unquantifiable violations of the laws then in force” that were carried out during the process of the Conquest in this territory.

However, the full text of the letter was revealed only in January 2021, and reads as follows:

“His Majesty, Felipe VI King of Spain

Zarzuela Palace, Madrid

Your Excellency Sir:

As I addressed His Holiness Pope Francis, although with another basis, I present to you, Your Majesty, the following manifesto:

At the beginning of this year, half a millennium marked the arrival of Hernán Cortés to the territory of the current Mexican Republic and in 2021 the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan will be commemorated. Likewise, in three years Mexico will celebrate the first 200 years of its independent life. We find ourselves, therefore, in a period in which reflection on events that decisively marked the history of our nations and that still generate heated controversies on both sides of the Ocean is unavoidable.

Without any desire to delve into them, Your Majesty, I will stick to the facts: the incursion led by Cortés into our current territory was undoubtedly a founding event of the current Mexican nation, yes, but tremendously violent, painful and transgressive; It began as an act of personal will against the indications and legal frameworks of the Kingdom of Castile and the conquest was carried out through countless crimes and abuses; This is approved by the charges brought by the Spanish justice system against Cortés himself in the Residency Trials to which he was subjected (1518-1547), of which the imprisonment and murder of Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec leader, in 1525 is emblematic.

Both in the conquest and in the colonization process that followed, unquantifiable violations of the laws then in force were committed; Among the most public and notorious, the principle of the fifth real was violated; Faith was imposed and Catholic temples were built on the ancient pyramids and with their materials; slavery and encomiendas were established; The lands owned by the natives were usurped and distributed to colonizers and religious orders; There was sustained looting of natural wealth, particularly through mining; A social order was implemented based on the segregation of castes and races; The Spanish language was imposed and the systematic destruction of Mesoamerican cultures was undertaken. In short, during the Colony, individual and collective rights were violated that with a contemporary perspective must be assumed as attacks on the principles that govern both nations, formulated through treaties and other cooperation agreements. And if in the years immediately after the conquest the abuses were attributable to advances who acted on their own, the acts of authority during the long colonial period were a consequence of the application of State policies: the viceregal institutions were part of the Spanish Crown , despite the fact that throughout that period no peninsular monarch visited New Spain.

Once the Independence of Mexico was consummated – on September 21, 1821 -, after eleven years of war (1810-1821), the Kingdom of Spain unsuccessfully attempted, although with great damage to the nation, a reconquest. Between 1821 and 1854 he sent several military raids. In 1836 the Peace Treaty between Mexico and Spain was signed, but Fernando VII died in 1833 without having recognized our independence.

As you know, Sir, since the 19th century, Mexico’s foreign policy has been characterized by respect for individuals and nations through the observance of the principles of non-intervention and self-determination of peoples, the peaceful solution to controversies and respect, protection and promotion of human rights, in addition to the fight for international peace and security (guidelines today established in article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States).

Currently, the State that I preside over does not ask for compensation for the pecuniary damage of the grievances that were caused to it by Spain nor does it intend to proceed legally in response to them; On the other hand, Mexico wants the Spanish State to admit its historical responsibility for these offenses and offer the appropriate apologies or political compensation. For this reason, Your Majesty, the current Mexican authorities are preparing a list of crimes that they will present to the Kingdom of Spain before the end of the current year.

On September 21, 2021, Mexico will celebrate 200 years of independent life. The government that I preside over wants to remember that event by building reconciliation with the country’s past, no matter how remote it may seem. Such date will coincide with the 500 years since the fall of Tenochtitlan and the beginning of the Colony, and September 21 will be established as Historical Reconciliation Day. That day the Mexican State will apologize to the native peoples for having persisted, once Independence was consummated, in the aggression, discrimination and plundering of the indigenous communities that characterized the colonial period; The relief will emphasize the atrocious and genocidal wars waged by the Mexican government against the Yaqui and Mayan peoples (the “Yaqui War”, in Sonora and Sinaloa, and the “Caste War”, in the Yucatán Peninsula). , as well as in the racist persecution that the Chinese suffered in the territory of Mexico during the first decades of the 20th century and in other grievances and atrocities that various authorities committed against the population.

For the nation that I represent, it is of fundamental importance, Sir, to invite the Spanish State to participate in this historical reconciliation, both because of its fundamental role in the formation of Mexican nationality and because of the great relevance and intensity of political and cultural ties. , social and economic that today intertwine our two countries. I am encouraged by the purpose of definitively overcoming the disagreements, resentments, guilt and reproaches that History has placed between the people of Spain and Mexico, without ignoring or omitting the illegalities and crimes that caused them.

With this purpose, the Government of Mexico proposes to His Majesty that work be done as soon as possible, and bilaterally, on a roadmap to achieve the objective of holding a joint ceremony at the highest level in 2021; that the Kingdom of Spain express in a public and official manner the recognition of the grievances caused and that both countries agree and draft a shared, public and socialized account of their common history, in order to begin a new stage in our relations fully attached to the principles that currently guide our respective States and provide the next generations on both sides of the Atlantic with the channels for a closer, more fluid and more fraternal coexistence.

Please accept, Your Majesty, the expressions of my most distinguished consideration.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Constitutional President of the United Mexican States.”


2024-09-30 23:42:29

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