“AMLO will go down in history as another accomplice”

by times news cr

Ten years after the disappearance of the 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapathe mothers and fathers of the disappeared agreed that the president Andrés Manuel López Obradorwho concludes his term next Tuesday, will go down in history as another accomplice in the state crime, which occurred on September 26, 2014.

Yesterday’s mobilization had several intense moments, one of them at the crossing of Reform y Juarezwhen in the Antimonument Seeking mothers were waiting for them, with banners with the tokens of search for their relatives.

After a brief exchange of greetings and solidarity, the parents of the 43 they continued their walk and they left behind a new memorial with photographs of their children, as a new permanent reminder to the Government: their boys are not coming home yet.

To finally reach a Plinth completely walled with metal fences, from where the national leader was twice accused of being a traitor.

“The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador “He betrayed the trust that we placed as parents, and turned his back on the Ayotzinapa case to protect the Army. He will be an accomplice to those people who disappeared our children. It’s been 10 years that we have walked despite everything,” said Mrs. Hilda, mother. of Jorge Antonio, one of the 43 missing normalistas.

During his speech at the rally of Plinth, Mrs. Hilda insisted that the former president Enrique Pena Nietowas the culprit of the disappearance of the 43 normalistas from Ayotzinapa, while the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, betrayed his word to solve the case and ended up defending the Army, who would be involved in the incident.

Also, Don Mario, father of another of the normalistas, criticized that access to the Zócalo of Mexico City was controlled by the public force, which is why he pointed out that: “It seems that we are in a dictatorship, where we have no way to get around”, he expressed.

Likewise, the father of the missing normal student sent a message to the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum: “to the incoming government (tell him) that if he plans to do this with us, we are going to continue fighting, and tell him (Claudia Sheinbaum) that we are not going to give him as much time (to solve the case) as we gave this character (Andrés Manuel López Obrador)”, he noted.

For his part, the legal representative of the 43 disappeared normalistas, Vidulfo Rosales, criticized that in the president’s last Government Report Andrés Manuel López Obrador Progress in the investigation was not reported, but blame was placed on the organizations that hindered it.

“The fight for the truth is inclaudicable, We will continue forward until we achieve the presentation alive of our 43 colleagues,” he assured.

For their part, human rights activists and defenders regretted the lack of results for the victims’ relatives to receive justice.

The feminist and human rights defender, Brenda Rodríguez Herrera, who every year has attended the September 26 march, which commemorates the disappearance of the students of the Normal Rural, He commented that “the fact of being here is to join that demand and, of course, we agree that there is no justice, and we need there to be justice and not missing people,” he stated.

Areli Sandoval, activist and human rights promoter, mentioned that it causes her a deep sadness and disappointment in the Ayotzinapa case, because at the beginning of this administration it seemed that they were going to move forward and leave behind the farce of historical truth.

“At the beginning it seemed that there was a will, the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts, There were certain decisions that seemed to want to get to the bottom of it, but I think that when certain interests were touched upon and the issue of the Army was reached, the government lost its will,” he mentioned while watching the contingent pass along Avenida Juárez.

He emphasized that it is very regrettable that the 4T Government has been more on the side of “certain” interests and praising the Army while disqualifying relatives of the disappeared, the organizations that have jointly accompanied them in the case and journalists: “it is extremely regrettable, I cannot believe it, it is total nonsense And I feel very sad and disappointed.”

2024-09-29 00:03:30

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