by time news

2023-05-01 18:55:18

Work team of the “Expone” awards.

Mary Good*

AMMA, Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia launches the Third Call for the EXPONE awards to recognize the value, effort and excellence of professional practice in projects or strategies developed by museums and exhibition centers based in Andalusia. The work of professionals in the sector contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, the appreciation of heritage and community recognition in the arts and culture. Starting from this base, the call seeks the consolidation of an annual event of recognition, cohesion and celebration of the profession, in addition to being a pioneer in Spanish territory.

AMMA, acronym for Association of Museologists and Museographers of Andalusia, is a non-profit organization whose objectives are to bring together heritage professionals, promote their qualification to raise the level of services provided to society, disseminate heritage in an inclusive manner, participatory and innovative through research, conservation and safeguarding, being a benchmark in museology and museography, with a high commitment to responsibility and social justice.

The projects competing for the award must be impregnated with these values, paying attention to inclusion in order to reinforce our commitment to social transformation, be accessible, paying special attention to all those with the greatest difficulties to develop in culture, and attend to the sustainability, since through its multiple disciplines and channels of expression, the cultural sector has the capacity (and responsibility) to help citizens understand the challenges they face, from a collective implication.

“Expone” Awards statuette, conceived by the artist María Rengel.

The prize does not have an economic endowment, it is merely honorary and in recognition of professional work, so projects developed by museums, exhibition and cultural centers, exhibition halls and other institutions whose purpose is to organize and produce may aspire to it. exhibitions around heritage, education and dissemination programs on line y off line Andalusian culture.

Candidates can apply for five categories: Award for the best Andalusian exhibition, Award for the best Andalusian cultural mediation project, Award for the best Andalusian conservation project, Award for the best national exhibition project and Award for the best international exhibition project (Guest country). Finally, the honorary category is the Professional Trajectory Award.

The winners, among others, have been “The map of my rights” from the Museum of Memory and Human Rights (Chile), “Yente – Del Prete. Venturous life” of the Malba. Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (Argentina), “The philosophy of the walker”. Archaeological Ensemble of Baelo Claudia, Cádiz and Mª Luisa Bellido Gant, to name a few.

For more information, consultation and upcoming calls:
[email protected]

* From the statement of the AMMA Association.


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