among antivax, a feverish anti-Macron front

by time news

“Fifteen thousand caregivers without pay overnight, because you refuse that they can test before coming to work (…) it was not good (…). I will reinstate them, as far as I am concerned, I will restore to them the salaries of which they have been deprived. » Pronounced at 10:15 p.m. by Marine Le Pen during her debate on Wednesday April 20 with Emmanuel Macron, this little sentence owes nothing to chance. It is one of the discreet winks sent by the far-right candidate to the community of opponents of the health policy carried out during the Covid-19 crisis, marked by the temptation of the anti-Macron front.

In his letter to his members, Jean-Pierre Eudier, president of the National League for the Freedom of Vaccinations, invites Marine Le Pen to vote, arguing that it will be difficult for him to compete with the authoritarianism of the outgoing president. “We can always do worse, but there, between certainty and risk, there is at least one option that can give us a chance”, he judges.

For these communities, it is not just the management of the Covid-19 pandemic that must determine the choice to be made for the second round, but the entire five-year term. “When you put your Macron bulletin, think of the 15,000 suspended caregivers, the injured demonstrators, the elderly people murdered at Rivotril [l’accusation d’euthanasie dans les Ehpad au moyen de ce médicament a été démentie], to Covid-19, suicides, financial corruption, abused children, sexual majority at 13 [en réalité, la majorité sexuelle n’a pas été abaissée] », urged Monday, April 18 a very shared tweet.

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Opponents of health policy also criticize the candidate of La République en Marche for his supposed links of interest with the pharmaceutical industry, and in particular with Pfizer, through the consulting firm McKinsey, which would be a bridge between the two. “The conspirators are also citizens who have lost faith in the elites in power, whether political, scientific or industrial”, recall Françoise Salvadori and Laurent-Henri Vignaud, in Antivax. Resistance to 18th century vaccinese century to the present day (Vendémiaire, 2019).

Demonization has changed sides

Within these communities, hatred of Emmanuel Macron has become almost visceral, regardless of the political or ideological affiliation of their members. The singer Francis Lalanne, who has become a conspiratorial figure, has thus completely changed: he who, in 2002, appeared in support of Jacques Chirac against Jean-Marie Le Pen, now calls to vote for his daughter. “Did you not understand that the fascists are already in power? (…) Worse than the far right, the far center is in power”he was indignant in a video shared on social networks.

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