Among the black times: the severe disasters that shocked ultra-Orthodox Judaism

by time news

Tragedies between the times Av 1555: Rabbi Deitch was killed in Yeremiah, the members of the Glostein family were killed in Shamgar, the 4-year-old boy was tragically strangled, the yeshiva overseer died suddenly in France, the late Motti Schlesinger drowned in Tiberias and the late Shimon Meir Darshan drowned In Netanya, the toddlers who drowned in Safed and Midz

The difficult and terrible disasters that occurred between the times of the month of Menachem Av Tashfav are unfathomable to the human mind, many families lost their loved ones, in which disasters of drowning and serious accidents were part of the last and most difficult times.

A great boost was registered with the beginning of the time of Elul in the holy yeshivah halls, after a break in Torah study in the days between the times.

With the beginning of the month of Elul and the end of days between the times, ‘Ba Hadari Haredim’ presents a tearful summary of the severe disasters that shook us all with the hope that a new year will end and its curses will begin a new year and its blessings.

At the beginning of the Inter-Times, a severe disaster occurred, when Rabbi R. Pinchas Naftali Deitch The late, beloved and important Hasidim of Belza who was run over to death by a bus that lost control and entered a vehicle traveling on Jeremiah Street in Jerusalem. Rabbi Deitch was on his way back from shopping at the ‘Shaari Rocha’ consumer store near the scene of the accident. The Belza Hasidim who were in nearby vehicles were also saved on the spot and miraculously nothing happened to them.

Two days later on Thursday evening, terrible disaster, girls Glostein family The mother, Shoshana Reizel, the 7-year-old daughters Chaya Sara and the 2-year-old Hana were killed in an accident by an Egged bus line 402 that degenerated on Shamgar Street in Jerusalem near the Rav Shefa shopping mall into a bus stop.

Their beds were placed side by side in the Jerusalem funeral home, a few meters away from the scene of the horrific accident that took their lives, while they were standing on the sidewalk and a derailed bus cut short the fuse of their short lives.

The family is known in the ultra-orthodox public, both in Ofakim and in other cities of the country, the Arnfreund families on the mother’s side, and Glostein on the father’s side. Grandfather Hagari Glostein, serves as one of the leaders of the Mir yeshiva. The husband and father, the Gaon Rabbi Dov Glostein, head of the entire ‘Nachlat Moshe’ in Ofakim, gave his eulogy at the funeral with faith and bravery and justified the judgment on him.

Two days later the boy Joseph Uriel Oberlander The deceased, who was only 4 years old, tragically suffocated in his home in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, he died in the hospital and stormy demonstrations were held in several centers throughout the country following the court’s decision to dissect the body. Finally, a victory was achieved in the High Court, which ordered that an autopsy be waived as per the family’s request.

The late Yosef Uriel is the son of Rabbi Yehuda Oberlander, a graduate of the Grodna yeshiva in Ashdod, and one of the abrakh scholars in Kollel Daat Shmuel B.M. and the grandson of Rabbi Yitzhak Oberlander of Bnei Brak, he was laid to rest in Jerusalem.

Overseer of the “Maor HaTorah” yeshiva in Jerusalem, the tzaddik rabbi Pinchas Haim Algarbali Zetzal, died in the middle of his vacation in France after suffering a stroke. The members of the Yeshiva who were at Camp Miron received the news with shock. Young men from the Yeshiva say that he was an important figure in the Yeshiva and this is a great loss to the Yeshiva and the world of the Sephardic Torah. His coffin arrived for burial in the Holy Land after a few days.

On Wednesday, the 20th of Av, the important guy drowned Mordechai Schlesinger The late, only 18 and a half years old from Bnei Brak, on the separate beach in Tiberias in front of the Zion of Hatana Rabbi Meir Baal Hans. The late Mordechai is the son of Yablchata HaRag Rabbi Yehezkel Chaim Schlesinger, an overseer at Yeshiva ‘Ba’er HaTalmud’ Elad and selectmen of yeshiva Netivot Chochma Wolfson in the Beit Vegan neighborhood in Jerusalem.

The toddler died last Thursday Jonathan Deutsch The deceased, one and a half years old, who died a day after drowning in a pool at a zimmer in Safed. He was taken to Ziv Hospital in critical condition after the resuscitation efforts of the rescue forces when the doctors tried to save his life, his parents did not lose hope and the rabbis gave him the name ‘Chaim’ as a medical virtue Many prayed for the healing of the boy Chaim Yonatan ben Miriam and he survived another day, but after efforts he passed away. The late Yonatan is the son of Yablhata Rabbi Yehoshua Ze’ev (Shoki) Deutsch, a member of the Kiryat Ya’arim Council Telz Stone M’Dgal The Torah’.

Two days later on Sunday the toddler died Yosef Hananal Lev The deceased, about two years old, who drowned on Thursday in a private pool in the town of Misad in the Gush Etzion Regional Council. He was taken by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem in critical condition, while CPR was being performed. Many prayed for Yosef Hananal ben Sarah Dina’s recovery, but Maginat Lev was given the decree, he returned his soul to its creator. The late Yosef Hananel Lev, son of Yablchata Rabbi Yonatan Lev, a resident of Midas, and one of the graduates of the Netivot Chochma yeshiva – Wolfson.

With the end of the times and the beginning of the time of Elol, the important guy passed away Shimon Meir Darshan The late Bnei Brak, a student of the ‘Knesset Yitzchak’ yeshiva in Modi’in Illit who drowned two weeks earlier at the ultra-Orthodox beach in Netanya and is only 19 years old.

On Monday the 18th of Av in the evening, he drowned near the separate beach in Netanya and was pulled from the water while unconscious. MDA and Rescue Union teams performed advanced resuscitation operations on him, and in the end he was taken in critical condition to Laniado Hospital in Kiryat Sanz in the city. Many prayed and tore open the gates of heaven for the healing of Shimon Meir ben Adina Hadova, for two weeks he was sedated and ventilated in a very difficult condition and on Sunday he returned his soul to its creator.

The late Shimon Meir is the son of Rabbi Avitar Menachem HaCohen Darshan Shilbachta, one of the chief priests in Bnei Brak. In a heart-rending funeral procession, he was buried in Beit Chaim Ponibej in Bnei Brak.

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