Amsterdam, gunman takes a hostage in a shop: the first images – Video

by time news

Alarm ad Amsterdam in the area of Leidseplein. A gunman, perhaps along with another accomplice, is holding at least one person hostage inside a shop. The images that run on social networks show a man with a hood and a balaclava holding another person at gunpoint inside a shop. According to police reports it is an Apple store.

As you can see from the images, various emergency services are present on the spot, including the heavily armed police, the Special Intervention Service and the bomb squads. The buildings in the area have been evacuated or placed in lockdown and via social media police called on local traders and residents to stay inside their shops or homes.

According to the Dutch agency Bno News, police have been called for a possible robbery of an Apple Store in Leidseplein, a square in the center of the Dutch capital. An eyewitness quoted by the newspaper The Parool reported that around 6 pm two men left the store and when they saw the police, one of them grabbed a person under the arm and pointed a gun to his head. The person was then taken hostage. Witnesses told local television station AT5 that gunshots were heard shortly after the gunman entered the shop.

Video Twitter/Thom

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Amsterdam, gunman takes a person hostage in a shop: police on the spot


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