An action government in debate, a homophobic shooting in Oslo, G7 sanctions and the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution

by time news

The news no longer connects you and your weekend was devoted to meditation? Don’t panic, 20 Minutes gives you a summary of the weekend’s news every Sunday evening.

1-Adrien Quatennens (LFI) says no to participation in a “government of action”

The number 2 of La France insoumise affirmed that there was “no possible arrangement” with a government of Emmanuel Macron, ensuring that there was “no risk” of an outbreak of the left-wing coalition on the issue. The Head of State instructed his Prime Minister on Saturday to sound out the parliamentary groups in order to form a “government of action” in early July.

To France Inter, Franceinfo and Le Monde, the deputy from the North replied that participating in a coalition government “would make no sense” and would be “unreadable”, because “we did not hear (Emmanuel Macron) move or back down one iota on the pension reform, nor on the desire to impose 15 to 20 hours of work in return for the RSA ”in particular.

2-Norway celebrates rainbow love in the aftermath of the Oslo shootings

Norway celebrated love for all on Sunday with a tribute to the victims of the shooting that occurred near a gay bar the day before in downtown Oslo, a tragedy that shocked the nation in full celebration of the LGBT Pride march. While the investigation continues to determine the exact motives of the suspect, described as an Islamist with fragile mental health, an emotional mourning ceremony was celebrated in the cathedral of Oslo, the day after the attack which left two dead and 21 injured. For the occasion, the altar of the venerable religious building was adorned with rainbow-colored pennants and assorted flowers.

3-The G7 summit begins with new sanctions and a vast investment program

The leaders of the G7 countries set the tone for their summit, which met in Bavaria and was largely devoted to the war in Ukraine, by announcing the extension of sanctions against Moscow and calling for unity. This is the first signal of support for Ukraine from this meeting, which began at midday, in the sumptuous setting of the Bavarian Alps. “Together, the G7 will announce that we will ban Russian gold, a major export source, which will deprive Russia of billions of dollars,” tweeted US President Joe Biden. Also under the impetus of the United States, the G7 has launched a vast investment program for developing countries. “We aim to mobilize $600 billion by 2027 for global infrastructure investment,” the White House said shortly before a speech by Joe Biden.

4-In the aftermath of the decision of the American Supreme Court, personalities demand that the right to abortion be included in the Constitution

While the Supreme Court of the United States has authorized American states to ban this medical practice, the Renaissance group (ex-LREM) announced on Saturday the filing of a bill aimed at including the right to abortion in the marble of the French Constitution. “Unfortunately, nothing is impossible and women’s rights are always rights which are fragile and which are regularly called into question”, explained the leader of LREM deputies, Aurore Bergé, who therefore considers it necessary to take hexagon “provisions so that we cannot have reversals tomorrow which could exist”. “The recent legislative elections remind us that the political balance is fragile, and that this law could one day be threatened”, also write in a column published by the Sunday newspaper400 lawyers including Me Karen Noblinski, Julie Couturier, Vincent Nioré, and Rachel-Flore Pardo.

5-The crazy final of French basketball ASVEL-AS Monaco

Even Tony Parker assures that he has “rarely seen a match like that, with so much intensity”. In view of the generally disappointing first four games of this Asvel-Monaco series, with only one tight encounter (83-80 for the Roca Team in game 3), we did not necessarily imagine the two favorites of Betclic Elite capable of giving us a such a high-level show on Saturday (84-82 after extra time). But in a rapidly molten Astroballe on Saturday, the two teams fired blows for blows. To find out more about this final, find Jérémy Laugier’s article here.

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