BOLZANO. Province of Bolzano, Consortium of Municipalities, Euregio Plus and Alperia Green Future have signed an agreement to promote the expansion of photovoltaic systems in Alto Adige in order to even more massively increase the production of electricity from renewable sources and achieve the objectives of the South Tyrol Climate Plan 2040.
The increase in subsidies for private individuals and companies, which occurred two years ago, has already led to an increase in expansion and the Province is in line with the objectives set by the Climate Plan for photovoltaics.
“Our Climate Plan contains ambitious goals. By 2030, another 400 MW of electricity will have to come from photovoltaic systems. To achieve this goal, several steps and measures such as the agreement signed today are necessary”, declared the president, Arno Kompatscher .
“The Province of Bolzano has a very ambitious plan regarding the production of electricity generated by photovoltaics – said councilor Christian Bianchi – As the department of public works and heritage enhancement we will play an active part in the construction of photovoltaic systems on provincially owned buildings and we will identify all the areas that can be used for this purpose”.