An American accustomed to GAFAM at the helm of European competition

by time news

2023-07-13 21:15:00

DISPATCH — An American, professor of economics and former executive of the Obama administration, has been appointed to head the Directorate General for European Competition. A key role for the Commission, particularly linked to market regulation and control of GAFAM monopolies. Against the backdrop of conflicts of interest, this decision is hotly contested.

Fiona Scott Morton is scrutinized. Elected officials from all sides have pinned down her former functions as head of economic analysis in the “antitrust” division of the US Department of Justice, between May 2011 and December 2012, or as a consultant for major tech groups such as Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. Just that.

What is surprising is that this appointment comes at a time when the EU must implement ambitious new legislation to regulate the sector, which does not always please GAFAM.

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In fact, this appointment also fuels criticism of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, considered to be Atlanticist to say the least. Many Internet users see it as a signe of Europe’s submission to the United States. Asked by South Radio Today, the mayor of Lavaur Bernard Carayon foresees that “the industrial future of Europe will be under the magnifying glass of American interests”. According to him, “this affair is not only a scandal, but a betrayal of the fundamental interests of the European Union.”

In France, the Minister Delegate for Digital Jean-Noël Barrot invited the Commission “to re-examine its choice”. This appointment “is not without raising legitimate questions,” he wrote on Twitter.

The recruitment of Ms. Scott Morton is “a scandal”, castigated the environmentalist MEP Yannick Jadot, asking Ms. von der Leyen “to cancel this unethical appointment”.

“Hiring an American Gafam lobbyist at a time when Europe was finally deciding to limit their power is a shame. This appointment is clumsy at best, dangerous at worst (…), the Commission must give it up”, scolded the Conservative MEP Geoffroy Didier (Les Républicains).

Some go even further: “Everyone is wondering about this major gift that is being made to the United States. Is it linked to von der Leyen’s possible candidacy for NATO?” Asks a senior official from the EU executive, on condition of anonymity. “We walk on the head. Several commissioners are indignant and have made it known to the president,” he says.

According to a spokesperson for the institution, “the Commission carefully considered whether Fiona Scott Morton had a personal interest likely to compromise her independence”. She also assures that she will not be “involved in files on which she worked or of which she became aware in her previous job”. Yes, but…

“As she has advised large groups such as Apple, Amazon and Microsoft”, this “would lead to the absurd scenario in which the chief economist of the competition authority would be kept out of important files”, is offended German Green MEP Rasmus Andresen.

If we follow this logic, either it will not be able to do anything, or it will have to agree with the United States. Anyway, she has not finished talking about her.

#American #accustomed #GAFAM #helm #European #competition

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