an asteroid hit the Earth. “The fifth never seen before the impact” –

by time news
Of Massimo Sideri

As in the film with DiCaprio, the space object was spotted from a minor center and then the ESA alarm sounded. Without consequences: the 2022EB5 was one meter in diameter

Look Up: look up. It is estimated that 40 to 100 tons of alien material hit the Earth every day. Most are small rocks, ice, space fragments that are burned by the atmosphere and which produce the phenomenon popularly called shooting stars (in fact they are falling stones, ie meteorites). A few days ago something happened that attracted the attention first of lucky astronomers and then also of ESA, the European Space Agency: for the fifth time in human history an asteroid was observed before it crashed to Earth.

Esa has thus reconstructed a real commentary: just like in Netflix’s lucky Don’t Look up with Leonardo DiCaprio, on 11 March the astronomer Krisztin Srneczkya observed and photographed the fast object in the sky with the Schmidt telescope. of the Hungarian Piszkstető Observatory. As always, the alien material has been given a name: Sar2593. Shortly thereafter, the probability of it hitting Earth was calculated. Result: 1 percent. But just over an hour later, an alarm signal woke the Meerkat, the ESA’s impact monitoring system, with a very different result: 100 percent. The place of the probable collision between the asteroid and Earth was also immediately identified a few hundred kilometers north of Iceland, towards the Arctic.

From the light and from the observations it was immediately deduced that we should not leave the Earth: it was a small object of just one meter in diameter, however not so small as not to be identified by the probes that recorded an earthquake of magnitude between Iceland and Greenland. 4.0. In short, great excitement for scholars and no danger for the human species. The asteroid was given the name of 2022EB5. The other 4 asteroids have all been observed from 2008 to today, thanks to the most modern systems used in recent years. In any case, it is worth looking up from time to time.

March 16, 2022 (change March 16, 2022 | 15:52)

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