An economy at the service of all should be dreamed of: Pope

by time news

Pope Francis gives an interview to the Belgian Catholic weekly ‘Tersio’.

Fr. Jinu Jacob, Vatican City

In an interview granted to the Belgian Catholic weekly ‘Tersio’, Pope Francis highlighted the healthy economy that must be maintained in today’s society and in the Church.

Pope Francis, who is celebrating the 10th anniversary of his pastoral ministry near Peter on March 13th, in an interview with the correspondent of the Belgian weekly Thersio, highlighted the evil of injustice and anarchy in the world today and called for everyone to work together for a new economy full of goodness.

Highlighting the importance of the Second Vatican Synod, the Pope underlined that the inspiration of the Synod can be seen in the life of the Church even today to form a living Church, because the Church has the heart of a mother who foresees everything.

The Pope spoke of the light of the nations, or Lumen Gensi, the constitution of faith truths that refer to the traditional formations of the Church and the role it plays in giving the Church the right direction today. Then, in each period, the Pope mentioned synods to bring new dimensions to the activities of the Church and subject them to timely transformations. The Pope also pointed out that the maturity of the Church according to the times is revealed in each Synod.

Then the Pope underlined the blessings that the church’s life of prayer, hospitality and worship provide in today’s society. We should not forget that all these are duties that we have to perform in the society without taking them lightly as necessary. The Holy Body, which is cut in the Holy Eucharist, reveals to us the glory of serving our brothers and sisters, the Pope said.

The Pope also pointed to a good economy of justice against the inequalities taking place in the world. Emphasizing that the economy should be a social economy, the Pope also expressed his desire to follow the idea of ​​good in today’s world called the social market economy, replacing the idea of ​​the market economy corrected by Saint John Paul II. The Pope emphasized that in order to overcome the terrible and serious economic crisis, a social and revolutionary economy should be formed and everyone should dream for it.

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