An Endless Journey: The New Station of the “Pure Heart” Sect

by time news
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Pure heart wanderings around the world continue unabated. Recently, some members of the sect came to northern Macedonia – a country in southeastern Europe. A week and a half ago, the cult members left Bosnia, and from there continued to Montenegro on their way to Albania. Apparently they did not get permission to stay in Albania and moved to its neighbor – Northern Macedonia.

According to a report on the YWN website, they are currently living in the Southeast European country temporarily. There, too, as in many places to which they wandered, their unusual attire captured the attention of the citizens, who photographed them and posted the records on social media.

In one of the videos, released yesterday, a local resident in northern Macedonia is seen trying to dub one of the cult members. “You’re a pure heart, are you?” He was heard asking him. The cult member did not respond, and turned on his heels, after being called back inside the house.

As you may recall, about a month ago, some members of the sect arrived in Bosnia. Their arrival caused a stir in the place, after the locals learned about their past and their lifestyles. The Minister of Human Rights and Refugees in the country has determined that cult members will be deported from the country.

The Bosnian media reported that this was a group known as the “Jewish Taliban”, due to the strict lifestyle they adopt and the alleged abusive treatment of women and girls. The locals who heard about the cult members, came to the compound where they are located and tried to talk to them. The local mayor told Shabbat Square that “we have nothing against them.”

In a document published in Shabbat Square, local young people in Sarajevo were seen arriving at the place where the cult members are staying – on Shabbat night and talking to them.

Meeting with pure hearted members (without credit)

The young men of Sarajevo told the cult members: “Can we talk? We are here, because there are a lot of people and also the media, who think you are bad and we do not think so, so we are here if you need help. We are local here and we want to help you in any way we can, because a lot of people think you are bad, “But we do not think so, we are here to help you. Do you need anything?”
Pure Heart Members: “Okay, thanks, but now it’s Saturday night.”
The young people in Sarajevo to the members of the sect: “Can you give me your number?”.
Pure Heart Members: “Do you want to come tomorrow night? I want to give you snacks, it’s a pleasure for us to give you things.”
The young people in Sarajevo to the members of the sect: “Everything you need we will reach tomorrow.”
Pure Heart Members: “tomorrow night”.
The young people in Sarajevo to the members of the sect: “Do you know how long you’re staying here?”.
Pure heart members“We’ve been here three or four weeks. I do not know, it’s a difficult time, I do not know what we will do because we look different, tell your friends we are good people.”

The mayor of Sarajevo, explained to Shabbat Square that “according to my information, they have come for a tourist visit to the hospital and are allowed to stay until about mid-February. We as a local community have nothing against anyone, against any religion, nation, skin color, far from anyone who would think such a thing. “Thanks to their way of dressing, their behavior, the members of the group are different in relation to the environment in which they live today and the population living nearby reacted in panic.”

According to the mayor, the locals reacted this way, because “they received various news about the lifestyle of this group, religious propaganda, various lawsuits, accusations and everything that can be read from newspaper articles from the countries where the community lives. As a municipality, we have no authority to decide whether to stay in hospital . The BiH competent authorities will decide if they apply for asylum. We as a local community need to be aware of the diversity and work to raise the awareness of our residents. “

Residents described the group renting two homes in the neighborhood. “They look strange,” they argued. “Wear special clothes and behave strangely. Pray all day and stare at people passing by the house.”

They further described that the exceptional guests led them to conduct a light online inquiry, which revealed that the guests are among members of a pure-hearted cult. “We found out that this is some kind of extremist group. Apparently, they do not treat children so well,” they said. “They did nothing wrong during their stay here, but people are just worried. The government agency searched them and they did not find a criminal record on Interpol or similar databases.”

Sect members have been traveling around the world for years. Some have recently moved to Kurdistan after staying in Guatemala. They even recently applied to Iranian authorities for immigration to the country, but for a time they did not respond.

In Pure Heart they tried to keep the attempts to move to Kurdistan under the radar, but the attempt was unsuccessful. When they tried to leave Guatemala the story was revealed and the crossing went wrong. According to the cult members, the disruption was done “because of Israeli and American intervention.”

Several months ago they raised with a pure heart various possibilities of migration to Syria, Lebanon or various Arab countries, where they would receive them. It now turns out that the cult members migrated to northern Macedonia.

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