An essay on St. Francis ‘the rebel’ to understand the Christianity of the third millennium

by time news – Father Enzo Fortunato’s essay “Francesco the rebel”, which traces the history of the Saint of Assisi and released in 2018, is now part of the Oscar Storia catalog of Mondadori.

St. Francis is today more than ever one of the key figures to understand how Christianity is taking shape at the beginning of the third millennium – writes the Sacred Convent of Assisi – with the simplicity, meekness and intense inner fire that characterized his life, still after eight centuries he attracts thousands of people every year to the sanctuary of Assisi.

In these pages, rich in literary and pictorial testimonies, the places he visited, the encounters he made, the gestures and words with which he formulated his message are outlined, making clear what were his personal path and at the same time his cultural revolution – he concludes – a book that leads to reflect on the “rebel” Francis, and at the same time it shows the face of the Christianity of the next generations “.

Father Enzo Fortunato is a conventual Franciscan, and is a journalist and writer. Already a lecturer at important cultural institutions, he collaborates with print and radio and television publications. His new essay is available in all bookstores (pages 144, € 11).

For Mondadori he has already published the volumes: I go to Francesco (2014, three editions), Francis the rebel (2018, five editions) and The Tunic and the Robe (2020).


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