An evening of small gifts: Noam Horev returned to his personal story

by time news

“I want each of you to take a picture of a sentence from one of my songs that you connect with the most,” was how the poet Noam Horev opened the evening yesterday at the Gray Club in Tel Aviv, which was dedicated to his life story and the stories behind his songs that entered the heart of Israeli music.

Horev (39) managed to release hundreds of hits in recent years that he wrote for the best artists, including: Rita, Miri Mesika, Rami Klinstein, Shiri Maimon, Gali Atari, Roni Dalomi and more.

However, not everything was always glamorous. Noam tells the meeting about his first years in Tel Aviv and his feelings as an “outsider”, being an anonymous guy who came from the outskirts and was not connected to the local barangay, until the long-awaited moment when everything turned upside down. His personal story, as a child who grew up and was educated in northern Afula and was born with a paralyzed hand, contains a winding, challenging and faith-filled journey, during which he reached the center of Israeli creativity.

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In addition to being a prolific songwriter, Horev writes songs, texts and posts that are published on social networks, and which deal with various topics including femininity, social cohesion, relationships, Israeliness, family relationships and more.

In one of the moments in the performance that can be called almost unexpected, the creator stood at the edge of the stage and addressed the audience with a request:

Take your parents abroad
Invite them to a meal
Go on a trip with them sometime
It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that it’s with you

Because otherwise one day you will regret it
that you didn’t earn a few more moments with them
They will go, and you will then stay
With a hole in my heart and a sea of ​​longing

And pray only to return the time then
There is a lot you still wanted to accomplish
So hug them while they’re still here
And stop filtering them already, stop.

(Since they are still here / Noam Horev)

In other touching moments, Horev shares with the audience the process of writing the songs and releasing them to the world, when many of them came to answer the questions he asked himself in different periods of his life and communicate the insights he came to over time. The truth and the inspiration behind them are sometimes surprising and many times even amusing. The show combines musical pieces and impressive visual pieces through which the spectacle of Israeli society is reflected as a beautiful mosaic that reminds us that “there are problems and mistakes from wall to wall. And something inside us is a little broken. But that’s precisely why we stay.”

Horev, who authored the bestsellers “Draft of Happiness” and “Sun in a Jar”, as well as the children’s bestsellers “Ziona Has One Wing” and “The Fingerprint of a Ram”, tries through his experiences to instill and refine the message that perseverance and action without compromise They are the recipe for success and happiness, even in moments of despair. He calls in his work to appreciate the little things and know how to accept what is not, what is. Because what more can you ask for?

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