An honest cleaner returns 30,000 dollars…and shocking at his honor

by time news

In an incident that sparked controversy in the Jordanian street, a Jordanian cleaner found an amount of 20,000 dinars (30,000 US dollars) among 9 tons of garbage belonging to the owner of a commercial mall in the Qweismeh area in the capital, Amman, to be honored with an amount of 10 dinars.

20 thousand dinars inside a bag

Ibrahim al-Muhot, the head of the Cleaning Division in the Qweismeh Directorate of the Greater Amman Municipality, told that a phone call was received by the owner, who is the head of the accounting department in a mall in the Jordanian capital, Amman, stating that the cleaning lady had mistakenly placed a black bag. It contains 20,000 Jordanian dinars in the waste container, thinking it is a trash bag.

Then the head of the cleaning department called the driver of the mill that transported the waste from the mall, so that it would not reach the landfill, and then the process of finding the amount would be difficult, even almost impossible.

The entire load of the mill, which ranges from (8-9) tons of waste, was unloaded in the “Sat Market” yard located in the Nahariya neighborhood in Quweismeh. The unloading took place in three stages, representing the entire capacity of the mill, according to Al-Makhtan.

Jordanian cleaner

The search process was initiated by 3 home workers, in the presence of the mall owner, his employees, and a security force.

The “excavation” efforts resulted in finding a bag of money after about 20 minutes of work by the cleaner Khalil Tawfiq, and the owner of the mall received the money after the public security men photographed it, and the owner of the mall rewarded the home worker who found the money by giving him an amount of 10 dinars. .

The worker is shocked

The cleaner, Khalil Tawfiq, expressed his shock at the amount he was honored with, indicating that he worked with his colleagues after their official working hours ended to search for the amount of money.

The worker, Khalil, explained that his threshold was not for the sake of money, but rather for the sake of the principle and the size of the amount that was lost, sending a message that “the trust is a trust” and must be returned to its owners.

Reward controversy

The controversy that arose over the size of the reward disbursed to the worker who found the amount of money estimated at 10 dinars, where social media activists described the amount spent as little compared to the lost amount that was found after great efforts, while a group of pioneers of these sites saw that the financial accountant who Losing the amount honored them as much as he could, as the amount of money was not his private property.

official honour

For his part, the Mayor of Amman, Yousef Al-Shawarbeh, honored 3 cleaning workers in appreciation of their honesty, after they found the money and returned it while performing their work.

Al-Shawarbeh expressed his pride in the honorable position of the country’s workers, who represent a model for the gallant Jordanian citizen who is entrusted with the property of others.

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