(Web Desk) India’s Kanda film actor Darshan Thagu Deepa, who killed 33-year-old Renuka Swamy, got TV facility in jail as well.
According to Indian media, actor Darshan had requested the jail authorities to install a television in his cell last week, saying that he wanted to stay abreast of news regarding the charge sheet in his case. For being ‘curious’ about what is happening in the world outside the prison.
On the request of actor Darshan, the jail authorities allowed a 32-inch television to be installed in actor Darshan’s cell on the morning of September 7. Earlier, the actor had requested the jail authorities for permission to use a surgical chair and make phone calls. Jail authorities had also provided a surgical chair to actor Darshan on his request and also allowed him to make phone calls.
Police sources revealed that Darshan is under a lot of stress since the charge sheet was issued against him and he is also worried about the upcoming verdict of the court.
It may be noted that actor Darshan Thagu Deepa brutally murdered 33-year-old Renukaswamy a few months ago, after which the actor was arrested by the Karnataka police in June and recently the police issued a charge sheet against the actor in the murder case. .
The chargesheet released by the Karnataka Police details the brutal and inhumane torture that preceded Renuka Swamy’s murder.
2024-09-08 03:12:21